[FIXED] Error 1005: No available floating license
A popup window appears with the following error message: “No available floating license”.

The Blender Console (Window > Toggle System Console) prints:
An old version of the Chaos Unified Login Application (ULA) is installed.
Verification of cause
Check the version of the ULA in Windows’s Add/Remove programs. The expected version is 2024.10.17 – any version older than that might cause the issue.
Update the ULA.
Recommended steps
The V-Ray for Blender Beta build was updated with a newer version of the ULA.
Users should update their V-Ray for Blender build from our downloads, then log out and log back in to Blender with their Chaos account. Detailed steps are available in this forum post.
[FIXED] SIGN IN button does not work
Users would install and launch V-Ray for Blender. V-Ray will present a popup window that instructs the user to sign in.
The Sign In button will not do anything, even when clicked repeatedly.
An old version of the Chaos Unified Login Application (ULA) is installed.
The cause is the same as for "Error 1005, no available floating license".
Update the ULA.
The solution is the same as for "Error 1005, no available floating license".
Recommended steps
Same as for "Error 1005, no available floating license".
The V-Ray for Blender Beta build was updated with a newer version of the ULA.
Users should update their V-Ray for Blender build from our downloads, then log out and log back in Blender with their Chaos account. Detailed steps are available in this forum post.
[READY FOR DEPLOY] Empty Chaos Licensing windows or Cosmos window
Windows created by V-Ray open blank or empty. This affects all windows created with QTWebEngine, such as Cosmos, Collaboration, the Chaos Account window (In Blender V-Ray menu > Chaos account) and all the popups related to product activation and licensing.

The QT library shipped with V-Ray cannot link against the Visual C++ runtime redistributable. V-Ray for Blender does not install this runtime and no other application on the user’s device has installed it. Note that this runtime is commonly found on devices and is used by all kinds of applications. Solution
The next V-Ray for Blender build will package the Visual C++ runtime redistributable and install it if not found.
End of week (by Dec 20, 2024).
Possible Workarounds
Install the latest Visual C++ runtime redistributable for the X64 architecture. (Direct download link)
[READY FOR DEPLOY] Error when starting the GPU Device select utility
When 'Select devices for GPU rendering' is started from Windows Start menu, the following error message is shown:

The cause is the same as for "Empty Chaos Licensing windows or Cosmos window".
The program cannot find the Visual C++ runtime redistributable. V-Ray for Blender does not install this runtime and no other application on the user’s device has installed it. Note that this runtime is commonly found on devices and is used by all kinds of applications.
The next V-Ray for Blender build will package the Visual C++ runtime redistributable and install it if not found.
End of week (by Dec 20, 2024).
Possible Workarounds
Install the latest Visual C++ runtime redistributable for the X64 architecture. (Direct download link)
[Under Investigation] Error 10061: Unknown license error
Users would install and launch V-Ray for Blender, but V-Ray will not work. It will throw licensing errors, such as:Error acquiring V-Ray license
And also the following error, which is the main clue pointing towards this particular issue: Error 10061: Unknown license error (10061)
The Chaos License Server and/or the Chaos Unified Login Application (ULA) are not running.
Add a check in the V-Ray for Blender build if the LS or ULA are not running and show an indication to the user with some recommended steps the user can take.
Currently under investigation. A few possible solutions are being examined.
Possible Workarounds
Make sure that both processes (LS and ULA) are running.
The simplest way to do that is to start both processes manually by opening the Windows Start menu and typing in “Start Chaos License Server” and selecting it, then typing in “Start Unified Login” and selecting it.
If those processes are not running, this action will start them. If they’re already running, these actions will not prevent them from working.
[READY FOR DEPLOY] V-Ray for Blender not starting, unknown error, possibly no AVX2 support
V-Ray for Blender will not start at all. The Blender Console (Window > Toggle System Console) prints this or similar error:
Possible Cause
In some cases, this may be because the user’s device has a CPU that does NOT support the AVX2 instruction set. V-Ray for Blender is based on the V-Ray 7 Core, which requires CPUs with AVX2 support.
Add a warning in the V-Ray for Blender installer that the user’s hardware is incompatible.
There is no other practical solution.
Fixed. The next V-Ray for Blender builds on the website will have the fix.
A popup window appears with the following error message: “No available floating license”.
The Blender Console (Window > Toggle System Console) prints:
Srv: Failed to acquire GUI license. Error: Unknown license error (1005). (1005) Srv: Cannot create renderer, cannot acquire license. Error: 1005
An old version of the Chaos Unified Login Application (ULA) is installed.
Verification of cause
Check the version of the ULA in Windows’s Add/Remove programs. The expected version is 2024.10.17 – any version older than that might cause the issue.
Update the ULA.
Recommended steps
The V-Ray for Blender Beta build was updated with a newer version of the ULA.
Users should update their V-Ray for Blender build from our downloads, then log out and log back in to Blender with their Chaos account. Detailed steps are available in this forum post.
[FIXED] SIGN IN button does not work
Users would install and launch V-Ray for Blender. V-Ray will present a popup window that instructs the user to sign in.
The Sign In button will not do anything, even when clicked repeatedly.
An old version of the Chaos Unified Login Application (ULA) is installed.
The cause is the same as for "Error 1005, no available floating license".
Update the ULA.
The solution is the same as for "Error 1005, no available floating license".
Recommended steps
Same as for "Error 1005, no available floating license".
The V-Ray for Blender Beta build was updated with a newer version of the ULA.
Users should update their V-Ray for Blender build from our downloads, then log out and log back in Blender with their Chaos account. Detailed steps are available in this forum post.
[READY FOR DEPLOY] Empty Chaos Licensing windows or Cosmos window
Windows created by V-Ray open blank or empty. This affects all windows created with QTWebEngine, such as Cosmos, Collaboration, the Chaos Account window (In Blender V-Ray menu > Chaos account) and all the popups related to product activation and licensing.
The QT library shipped with V-Ray cannot link against the Visual C++ runtime redistributable. V-Ray for Blender does not install this runtime and no other application on the user’s device has installed it. Note that this runtime is commonly found on devices and is used by all kinds of applications. Solution
The next V-Ray for Blender build will package the Visual C++ runtime redistributable and install it if not found.
End of week (by Dec 20, 2024).
Possible Workarounds
Install the latest Visual C++ runtime redistributable for the X64 architecture. (Direct download link)
[READY FOR DEPLOY] Error when starting the GPU Device select utility
When 'Select devices for GPU rendering' is started from Windows Start menu, the following error message is shown:
The cause is the same as for "Empty Chaos Licensing windows or Cosmos window".
The program cannot find the Visual C++ runtime redistributable. V-Ray for Blender does not install this runtime and no other application on the user’s device has installed it. Note that this runtime is commonly found on devices and is used by all kinds of applications.
The next V-Ray for Blender build will package the Visual C++ runtime redistributable and install it if not found.
End of week (by Dec 20, 2024).
Possible Workarounds
Install the latest Visual C++ runtime redistributable for the X64 architecture. (Direct download link)
[Under Investigation] Error 10061: Unknown license error
Users would install and launch V-Ray for Blender, but V-Ray will not work. It will throw licensing errors, such as:Error acquiring V-Ray license
And also the following error, which is the main clue pointing towards this particular issue: Error 10061: Unknown license error (10061)
The Chaos License Server and/or the Chaos Unified Login Application (ULA) are not running.
Add a check in the V-Ray for Blender build if the LS or ULA are not running and show an indication to the user with some recommended steps the user can take.
Currently under investigation. A few possible solutions are being examined.
Possible Workarounds
Make sure that both processes (LS and ULA) are running.
The simplest way to do that is to start both processes manually by opening the Windows Start menu and typing in “Start Chaos License Server” and selecting it, then typing in “Start Unified Login” and selecting it.
If those processes are not running, this action will start them. If they’re already running, these actions will not prevent them from working.
[READY FOR DEPLOY] V-Ray for Blender not starting, unknown error, possibly no AVX2 support
V-Ray for Blender will not start at all. The Blender Console (Window > Toggle System Console) prints this or similar error:
zmq server process exited with code -1073741502: unknown error [error] blender: control connection error: 'zmq exception in poller loop: handshake response timed out ', reconnecting. [error] zmqserver process exited with code -1073741502: uknown error
In some cases, this may be because the user’s device has a CPU that does NOT support the AVX2 instruction set. V-Ray for Blender is based on the V-Ray 7 Core, which requires CPUs with AVX2 support.
Add a warning in the V-Ray for Blender installer that the user’s hardware is incompatible.
There is no other practical solution.
Fixed. The next V-Ray for Blender builds on the website will have the fix.