Hello everyone,
The third public beta update of V-Ray for Blender has been released and is now available for download. We've added support for Blender 4.3 and as well as the new improved PRG Sky model data introduced with V-Ray 7 core.
New features
Modified features
Bug fixes
The third public beta update of V-Ray for Blender has been released and is now available for download. We've added support for Blender 4.3 and as well as the new improved PRG Sky model data introduced with V-Ray 7 core.
New features
- Add support for Blender 4.3
- Add the new Improved Sun and Sky model data
- Add denoising options to the V-Ray button in the viewport
- Support for Texture scaling with V-Ray GPU
Modified features
- Convert the 'Consider Same Object Only' property in V-Ray Dirt into a checkbox
- Add a V-Ray icon in front of every V-Ray rollout in the object, camera, and layers property panels
- Add a shortcut to the Account Window in the Add-On preferences
- Add a warning in the info tab when a running instance of V-Ray Core crashes
- Allow zero values for V-Ray material Fog Depth Property
- Assert 'Object should have been evaluated' in production renders if the object is disabled in renders
- Update the default Shadow Bias value for all lights
Bug fixes
- Console Errors Caused by V-Ray VRmat Material
- The render region isn't rendered correctly in the viewport
- Export of light node trees does not filter non-V-Ray nodes when searching for the light output node
- Connecting a V-Ray Selector node to a V-Ray Mesh Light does not deactivate the Object selector within the light properties
- Material Preview doesn't work with Blender 4.2.4
- Reroute in-node trees does not work
- Failed reloading of packed bitmaps
- Animated Cosmos assets not working without an internet connection
- V-Ray for Blender cannot use local offline licenses without an internet connection
- V-Ray can't obtain a license after re-login
- Rename the V-Ray Direct Light Node
- Blender 'Spot' light objects with node tree and no "Light Spot" node cause error
- Enabling the visibility of an instancer in Interactive rendering does not show instanced objects
- Crash with VFB Interactive rendering and Light Mix Render Channel
- No upgrade is performed for the default scene
- Exception with non-vray nodes attached to V-Ray Material
- From a group of linked lights, only one light is exported
- Empty File Name warnings during Viewport Interactive rendering on GPU
- Exception when rendering with an empty Output Path
- Change the icons of V-Ray for Blender to .svg format
- Misspelling in the 'UVW Mapping' Node Name
- Errors with the Projection UVW Mapping Type
- The gizmo size of the V-Ray Sphere Light is not affected by the Radius parameter when the V-Ray Light node is used
- Material Preview doesn't work with Blender 4.3
- V-Ray Denoiser properties are not displayed in the World Properties Tab
- Cosmos assets are always imported with centered origin
- Clipping exported as enabled in override camera settings even though the override section is disabled
- Local view does not hide unselected objects
- Depth of Field is not updated during Interactive Rendering
- VFB preferences are not persistent between sessions
- V-Ray for Blender installation is missing vray_gpu_device_select.exe
- Changing materials in a separate window doesn't update the VFB interactive
- Incorrect rendering of Particle System Hair Shape Properties in V-Ray
- V-Ray Material Glossiness label should update when "Use Roughness" is selected
- Checkboxes in the Render Channels node do not switch off render channels
- Remove duplicate fields in the UVWMapping node's property page
- Error during the import of some Cosmos lights
- V-Ray Visibility Properties exclude/include lists are not working
- LightMesh is not exported correctly in VFB IPR mode
- Production V-Ray Scene export fails intermittently