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Help on understand nodes outputs

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  • Help on understand nodes outputs

    I've a problem trying to understand how it works the nodes outputs.
    I'm trying to create a "simple" mountains material where I can change the diffuse color according to the slope and the height of the poligons.
    To do this I designed to use some procedural masks to blend the different colors.
    So, I've started to create a first slope mask using a VrayFalloff node and it seems that it works.
    (that shading it's not the lighting as this is what I see if I remove the Falloff node and I choose a medium grey to match that you can see it's I suspect that the Falloff it's working)

    Ok, but now I'd like to increase the contrast of the Falloff result and I thought to use the Vray Color Correction node and increase the contrast value.
    Now, questions starting:
    1 - Why the Falloff has a Color output and a Blend Output?
    2 - Where I can find a documentation about the meaning of the different color used int he input/otput sockets? It seems that yellow are for RGB, dark green for monochrome and violet for mapping...but I'd like to have a full documentation about this. As 3dsmax user that uses the "old" material editor, I'm not used to choose the channels connections and as Cycles Blender user I know quite well the colours code of Cycles but I think it could be different from Vray.
    3 - Why if I connect the Falloff to the ColorCorrection, leaving default settings of CC, the rendered result is this? Some bug or wrong default values?
    4 - I can't add more contrast to the Falloff output in any way I connect it to the ColorCorrection. Could you help me giving me some hints to how I should connect them?

    Thanks in advance

    (I'm n v188 with Blender 4.2.1)

  • #2

    There was a bug with Color Correction Texture Utility and float inputs, that should be fixed in the latest release build.
    For more precise control over the texture’s contrast you can use V-Ray Remap with the latest available build.

    Concerning the color coding of the sockets, no documentation is currently available on this topic, and due to possible upcoming changes, it would be best to wait for an official release where these details will be clarified.

    Milva Perkovich
    QA department
    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Originally posted by milva.perkovich View Post

      There was a bug with Color Correction Texture Utility and float inputs, that should be fixed in the latest release build.
      For more precise control over the texture’s contrast you can use V-Ray Remap with the latest available build.

      Concerning the color coding of the sockets, no documentation is currently available on this topic, and due to possible upcoming changes, it would be best to wait for an official release where these details will be clarified.

      thank you very much Milva.
      I'll check again with latest release.

