I tested Distributed Rendering today. I am not using the latest scripts and this may be fixed already, but anyway:
DR didn't worked for me, because the path to the geometry file(s) was wrong when using Linux - Linux connection. I know some PHP, but almost nothing of Python, so my fix may not be a fix actually, but it works now. Here is a diff between the orig and the changed prender.py:
< ofile.write("#include \"%s_%.2i.vrscene\"\n" % (os.path.basename(get_filenames(sce,'geometry'))[:-11], t))
> if VRayDR.on:
> if VRayDR.type == 'UU':
> ofile.write("#include \"%s_%.2i.vrscene\"\n" % ((get_filenames(sce,'geometry'))[:-11], t))
> else:
> ofile.write("#include \"%s_%.2i.vrscene\"\n" % (os.path.basename(get_filenames(sce,'geometry'))[:-11], t))
Unfortunately there are some python issues with the latest Blender and I couldn't compile it, although I installed python 3.2. That is one of the reasons I am still using the old exporter.
DR didn't worked for me, because the path to the geometry file(s) was wrong when using Linux - Linux connection. I know some PHP, but almost nothing of Python, so my fix may not be a fix actually, but it works now. Here is a diff between the orig and the changed prender.py:
< ofile.write("#include \"%s_%.2i.vrscene\"\n" % (os.path.basename(get_filenames(sce,'geometry'))[:-11], t))
> if VRayDR.on:
> if VRayDR.type == 'UU':
> ofile.write("#include \"%s_%.2i.vrscene\"\n" % ((get_filenames(sce,'geometry'))[:-11], t))
> else:
> ofile.write("#include \"%s_%.2i.vrscene\"\n" % (os.path.basename(get_filenames(sce,'geometry'))[:-11], t))
Unfortunately there are some python issues with the latest Blender and I couldn't compile it, although I installed python 3.2. That is one of the reasons I am still using the old exporter.