i work on v/b child particle for hair of my characters.
i did it with python.
but this is slow and has bugs( i could not fix.
so i did with c.
this works, but only object mode.
i reffered "ED_object_modifier_convert" at line 291 in object_modifier.c
i want this works well even if not object mode.
do anyone have good idea?
i work on v/b child particle for hair of my characters.
i did it with python.
but this is slow and has bugs( i could not fix.
so i did with c.
this works, but only object mode.
i reffered "ED_object_modifier_convert" at line 291 in object_modifier.c
int ED_object_modifier_convert(ReportList *UNUSED(reports), Main *bmain, Scene *scene, Object *ob, ModifierData *md)
do anyone have good idea?