If I select the multipasses samplerate I get a black channel.
Nonetheless, I can check my aa settings by clicking show samples on the aa tab.
But I loose all the other passes.
It's really boring to repeat the render to look at aa results
I am working with vrayblender2 2.69 and 2.71 (nighties) and same result.
Vraystandalone vraystd_adv_22501_linux_x64_gcc-4.6
Nonetheless, I can check my aa settings by clicking show samples on the aa tab.
But I loose all the other passes.
It's really boring to repeat the render to look at aa results
I am working with vrayblender2 2.69 and 2.71 (nighties) and same result.
Vraystandalone vraystd_adv_22501_linux_x64_gcc-4.6