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2017 10 28 build does not render motion blure

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  • 2017 10 28 build does not render motion blure

    Hello, looks like motion blure does not work, including particles and objects

  • #2
    hm looking for tables that explains what speed per meters should be for correct motion blure
    Last edited by Stugys; 28-10-2017, 06:14 AM.


    • #3
      looks like particles are not included in motion blure calculations, and to get motion blure on simple objects needs f-stop 2.8, shutter speed 5, iso 10 is this normal behavior? There is some table on his site about motion blure
      Hm if ai change emiter objectfrom Object to Group than motion blure and camera type from Still to Cinematic than it starts to work


      • #4
        Still not working correctly particles with motion blure, is it possible to have bug fix in two days? I have deadline and this feature for me is very important


        • #5
          Stugys we have added option to calculate particles velocities when exporting motion blur. I am sorry for the long delay but blender itself does not provide way to get the velocity.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	DwrxwuY.png
Views:	67
Size:	37.6 KB
ID:	973051


          • #6
            thank you, it is better later than never. Can I ask a question is it working animated instances, for example swinging tree branches in the wind?


            • #7
              This option should fix motion blur for particles and group instances. All other should be motion blurred regardless of the options value. If there is something that is not motion blurred - can you please send/upload scene?


              • #8
                I have send you two files, identical objects, particles and so one, one with cycles, and annother with vray, no matter what setings i am changin to vray physical cammera, motion blure stays the same amout, motion blure noticible, but not enough, my build is blender vray for linux build 2017 11 02 and stand alone from nightlies 2017 11 02

