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Import vrscene exported from modo V-ray results in errors.

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  • Import vrscene exported from modo V-ray results in errors.

    I was hoping it might be possible to take a vrscene from V-ray for modo and bring that into blender, as an exchange format. This doesn't seem to work, though. The import options for vrscene seem rather limited and if I try to pull in the vrscene, I get script errors.

    I wondered whether this was a bug or a known issues (and thus documented somewhere I couldn't find)

    Current nightly blender/v-ray build on Win 10 Pro. vrscene exported from current modo V-ray nightly build

  • #2
    Importing objects from the vrscene files is not supported.
    You could only reference the whole vrscene (check "VRayScene" panel in object settings).
    V-Ray For Houdini | V-Ray Hydra Delegate | VRayScene
    Support Request


    • #3
      Is it likely to be supported at some point in the near future? It seemed like an ideal exchange format, to capture surfacing, animation, etc. without the oddities of FBX and the restrictions of alembic.


      • #4
        I applied a vrscene to an empty in a blender scene. It seems to work (although there's an obvious mismatch between the up-axis between blender and modo. It seems as though 'generate' would generate a viewport preview of the vrscene, but pressing it, I get the attached error. Not sure if this is user error or a bug.

