Hello everyone,
V-Ray 5 for Cinema 4D - Hotfix 1 is out
This is mainly an improvement and bugfix focused release. Thank you for your feedback and reports.
The builds could be downloaded from the Downloads section on our site.
Here is the change log for this release version 5.00.43
Bug fixes
V-Ray 5 for Cinema 4D - Hotfix 1 is out
This is mainly an improvement and bugfix focused release. Thank you for your feedback and reports.
The builds could be downloaded from the Downloads section on our site.
Here is the change log for this release version 5.00.43
- LegacySceneConverter: Support converting object layers
- LegacySceneConverter: Add support for more converted types (Materials and Composite Tag)
- Render Elements: Prevent drag and drop of non-render element objects in the render elements list
- Exported lights should consider visibility and layers flags
- VRayVolumeGrid: VolumeGrid Preview Rollout for Cinema 4D - Container and Voxel Preview
- Ability to convert scenes via script with python (c4dpy) - useful for converting many scenes at once
- Add an option to disable the automatic conversion popup window when opening V-Ray 3.7 scene
Bug fixes
- Animated visibility of objects does not work
- V-Ray doesn't respect the "Render" option in the Cinema 4D layers
- Wrong texture projection of child objects
- Native C4D noise shader doesn't render correctly when rendering with DR
- Missing Phong tags may cause different buckets from slaves with DR
- Distributed rendering doesn't work correctly when rendering animations
- Wrong UVW coordinates when generated with V-Ray Material
- VRayProxy: Copying Proxy objects doesn't copy the assigned materials
- Displacement is wrongly applied when geometry is cloned
- The "Use mtl ID" parameter in the ObjectSelect Render Elements doesn't work
- Objects saved in the content browser do not show the materials applied to them
- Interactive: Starting Interactive with unsupported camera makes the render buttons inactive
- Interactive: VFB settings and layers are reset when changing material preview scene or creating material
- Exported animation does not have second frame values in vrscene
- Applying material to a poly selection should happen only in "Polygon" mode
- VRayVolumeGrid: When two or more VolumeGrids in Cinema 4D load the same cache, their previews are not updated correctly when scrolling the timeline
- Improve Interactive and UI responsiveness when tweaking materials and textures
- V-Ray GPU: Normal displacement has wrong normals
- V-Ray GPU: Incorrect GPU Light Path Expression Render Elements with Light Cache