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  • Lwf

    Hi there,
    my renderings look pretty flat/foggy.
    Even changing from Srgb to raw in the interactive render preview look the same.
    With 3.7 I usually unchecked the LWF in the project settings.

    Did that change? Should I keep it checked on?


  • #2
    Hi folklore ,

    With 3.7 I usually unchecked the LWF in the project settings.

    Did that change? Should I keep it checked on?
    Yes it did change. With V-Ray 5 you no longer need to make any adjustments to the color mapping or the scene LWF to achieve similar results in the final renderings.
    As long as you start a new scene you keep the scene settings related to color mapping in default values including the LWF option. V-Ray should handle everything automatically. This is one of the many workflow changes that we introduced with V-Ray 5 for better user experience to remove the need of changing those settings like it was in V-Ray 3. If you still happen to find a difference in the Color Mapping without changing any settings please let us know, so we can investigate and make sure if it is an issue to be fixed.

    Thank you!
    Ivan Shaykov


    • #3
      thanks, i will let you know

