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    how do activate the history in VFB?

  • #2
    Go to Vray VFB>options>VFB settings>history, choose enable and set a custom history folder, then choose save and close.
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    • #3
      We will make this option to be ON by default in the future.
      Ivan Shaykov


      • #4


        • #5
          Hi there If I have activated a Stage with many images render and the history in the VFB does it only save the last image in the history folder? I thought that it works like in Cinema 4D Image Manager and you can select and edit the rendered objects and then save them all at once in a folder ? Thank you very much
          Last edited by Wohnraumdesign; 20-01-2021, 01:08 AM.


          • #6
            Hi there!

            Maybe someone can help me? I have the problem when I activate the history in the VFB, it does not save the renderings for me (auto save is activated). I have a stage rendering with individual images and would like to edit them in the VFB light mixer etc. Can someone please send a screen shoot for the correct settings!

            Thanks that would be nice


            • #7
              Originally posted by Wohnraumdesign View Post
              Hi there!

              Maybe someone can help me? I have the problem when I activate the history in the VFB, it does not save the renderings for me (auto save is activated). I have a stage rendering with individual images and would like to edit them in the VFB light mixer etc. Can someone please send a screen shoot for the correct settings!

              Thanks that would be nice
              If you haven't set a path where the files are going to be saved please do so and make sure that you have full read and write rights to it. I tested this on my end, and it seems to be working fine. Can you please check the console and see if there isn't something in the V-Ray log that could be helpful to identify the issue?
              Ivan Shaykov


              • #8
                Originally posted by Wohnraumdesign View Post
                Hi there If I have activated a Stage with many images render and the history in the VFB does it only save the last image in the history folder? I thought that it works like in Cinema 4D Image Manager and you can select and edit the rendered objects and then save them all at once in a folder ? Thank you very much
                The V-Ray frame buffer doesn't work like the Picture Viewer and doesn't save every frame in the history when rendering animations since the VFB doesn't have a timeline itself. That is why only the last frame is saved.
                Ivan Shaykov


                • #9
                  But it would be great if he would save every frame then you could edit the pictures with Light Mixer etc. which would be very useful! Is there another way how you can render multiple frames with light mixer etc. and then reopen them to edit the light sources?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Wohnraumdesign View Post
                    Is there another way how you can render multiple frames with light mixer etc. and then reopen them to edit the light sources?

                    Unfortunately the Cinema 4D Stage object is considered an animation, and therefore it won't work with the VFB as you would like to.
                    A better approach and workflow for this would be to use the Cinema 4D "Take" system instead the Stage object. However, we don't have a button to render all or selected Takes within the VFB like Cinema 4D has with the PictureViewer, so this is a good opportunity to add a feature request about this.
                    As a workaround for now you can render and output your files as vrimg files and then load them in the VFB and do the desired corrections.

                    1. Set the output format and folder
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	rs.png
Views:	685
Size:	26.1 KB
ID:	1100679

                    2. After you have all frames saved Load them inside the VFB do the necessary corrections and save.
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	vfb_lm.png
Views:	659
Size:	383.9 KB
ID:	1100680
                    Ivan Shaykov


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        It would be great if you could load several Vrimg pictures and see them in the history, including saving several pictures.
                        So now it is very tedious to load and save each picture individually.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Wohnraumdesign View Post
                          It would be great if you could load several Vrimg pictures and see them in the history, including saving several pictures.
                          So now it is very tedious to load and save each picture individually.
                          We will try to do something about this when we implement the "Render takes" option for the VFB. That way it will auto save the frame of every camera to the history and you will be able to use it as you suggest above.
                          Ivan Shaykov


                          • #14
                            Just do exactly how the picture viewer is working and you're home. And also a way to save .psd files with the channels in it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by michael_olssson View Post
                              Just do exactly how the picture viewer is working and you're home.
                              I agree with this, however as much as we want to make it like the picture viewer sometimes a frame from the VFB could take quite a lot of space (up to 700 MB and more if you include the render elements just for the beauty pass) and having all of those in a timeline like the Picture Viewer has we will end up without RAM in no time.

                              And also a way to save .psd files with the channels in it.
                              We have this as a request already, and it will take some time to research this and how it could be done properly.
                              Ivan Shaykov

