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Object ID - Render Mask Mode is missing

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  • Object ID - Render Mask Mode is missing

    Hi everyone,

    I am wondering if or when other Render Mask Modes will be available in vray 5 for cinema 4d. For example, the Maya version has Object Set, Object IDs, and Isolate Select. 3Ds Max has a similar set of options as well with the addition of Layers.

    The Object ID render mask mode is extremely useful and is integral to our workflow, we can batch render many variations of individual objects and save them as a png files with alpha. Then we can comp the object pngs together and quickly visualize many variations of a scene. This is a feature we use heavily in vray 3.7 and I would love to start using vray 5. Are there any suggestions or work arounds to do something like this vray 5? I am hoping someone from Chaos Group can shed some light here.

    Thanks in advance for your time!

  • #2

    It is on our to-do list to implement render mask modes: “Selected” and “Object ID”. I'll make sure to mention this thread and bump its priority additionally. I will let you know when there are any updates on the matter!
    Aleksandar Kasabov


    • #3
      Thanks Aleksandar!

      I am stoked to start using vray5, all my test so far have been a very positive experience. It is so much faster to setup and render with. I will keep an eye on this thread for when the additional modes are added. Thanks again!


      • #4
        Hi CG, any update on this? We are not able to use vray5 in production without this feature.


        • #5
          Hello zAppledot ,

          We do not yet have updates on this. I will let you know as we have more information.

          Thanks for your patience.
          Aleksandar Kasabov


          • #6

            Bumping this up - just got stuck on a recent project and also can't find it.

            Is this still not implemented??? After all this time? For some projects, this is crucial.
            Last edited by RwVision; 07-04-2021, 01:44 AM.


            • #7
              Hello everyone,
              please take a look at the video in this post. It explains the difference between the ObjectID and MaterialID Render Elements (render masks) in V-Ray 3 and V-Ray 5 as well as how to use the same masks in V-Ray 5
              Last edited by shaio; 07-04-2021, 05:29 AM.
              Ivan Shaykov


              • #8
                Originally posted by shaio View Post
                Hello everyone,
                please take a look at the video in this post. It explains the difference between the ObjectID and MaterialID Render Elements (render masks) in V-Ray 3 and V-Ray 5 as well as how to use the same masks in V-Ray 5
                Sorry Ivan but what you are describing is a whole another topic. We don't have the render mask ID modes, not the multipass options.

                The purpose is to render only a part of an image, not to generate alpha pass.
                Last edited by RwVision; 07-04-2021, 09:20 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by RwVision View Post

                  Sorry Ivan but what you are describing is a whole another topic. We don't have the render mask ID modes, not the multipass options.

                  The purpose is to render only a part of an image, not to generate alpha pass.
                  Yes, my bad I saw this after I made the post, sorry about this.
                  You can try the Object Select render element. It works the same as the Render Mask and you can render specific objects with alpha masks and then edit them in any compositing app. The only difference is that with the Render Mask you're rendering only the chosen objects while with the Object Select render element the whole image needs to be rendered from the beginning.
                  The Render Mask is in our priority list, so I'll update the thread when we have more information about this.
                  Last edited by shaio; 07-04-2021, 10:52 AM.
                  Ivan Shaykov


                  • #10
                    How does the Rendermask currently work? I don't get any result when switching the render mask from disables to texture and useing an object ID pass from a previous rendering.


                    • #11
                      Hello Doger,

                      Currently, the render mask doesn't work correctly. This has already been reported in our system (bug ID: VC4D-726). I will let you know once we have any updates on the matter.

                      Thank you.
                      Aleksandar Kasabov


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by aleksandar.kasabov View Post
                        Hello Doger,

                        Currently, the render mask doesn't work correctly. This has already been reported in our system (bug ID: VC4D-726). I will let you know once we have any updates on the matter.

                        Thank you.

                        Why this is still not added? I'm facing yet another project, where I now reminded, it does not work.

                        Please CG, these are some basics that are still not working in V5!


                        • #13
                          Hello RwVision,

                          We are constantly working on fixing issues, reported by our users. This bug has not yet been fixed. I have boosted its priority and will let you know once we have more information. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
                          Aleksandar Kasabov


                          • #14
                            I'm shocked to see that this basic feature is not working. I need to render just a small part of a huge picture and the result is just black. I'm frustrated more and more.
                            Please fix this soon.


                            • #15
                              As a workaround you can use a render region, if that is not enough you can use the follow mouse option and “paint” with the buckets only the part you need.
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