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Vray 5 Scenes in Vray 6

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  • Vray 5 Scenes in Vray 6

    Is it possible to open and render Vray 5 Scenes in Vray 6 without any problems??

    The last update was a catastrophe for us. All our large exterior scenes and librarys were unusable.

  • #2
    Here no problem so far
    3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
    NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
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    • #3
      Hi, there are some expected differences when opening V-Ray 5 scenes in V-Ray 6, but generally the scenes should have much smoother transition than the 3.7 to 5 one. The most major difference being the physical camera focus distance, which is now correctly taken from the Camera object and preserving the compatibility for it was not possible. Other differences, like the new VRayMtl energy preservation, are kept either by parameter changes, or new parameters for compatibility (e.g. the option in VRayMtl - "GTR Energy Compensation").
      Deyan Hadzhiev


      • #4
        Do I understand this right: vray5 materials have not to be converted or set up new for vray6?


        • #5
          Do I understand this right: vray5 materials have not to be converted or set up new for vray6?
          Yes, this is correct, and the materials should render exactly the same as V-Ray 5. The difference being the two highlighted parameters (in VRayMtl), which will only be visible in materials loaded from V-Ray 5 scenes. Once enabled, the parameters will automatically hide and the material will render the same as newly created V-Ray 6 material.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	vraymtl_version6_hidden_parameters.png
Views:	534
Size:	77.5 KB
ID:	1161179

          Just to note one important exception to the statement above: Node materials, that contain VRayMtl surface, loaded in Cinema 4D S24 or older will not preserve the render result, because these two highlighted parameters will be forced to ON.
          Deyan Hadzhiev


          • #6
            Thank you very much for your answer, Deyan. That’s good news and Iˋm looking forward to update to Vray6!

