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Where is the history in Vray VFB?

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  • Where is the history in Vray VFB?


    I never used the Vray VFB a lot but now I must use it. The last years a rendert vray with cinema 4d. For example I build a stage and rendered 6 Frames. In the Cinema 4d Render Manager (viewer) i can see all 6 rendered pictures and do some colour-work/contrast etc.

    In the VFB-Render (Viewer) i only see the last image. Is there a solution to see all the rendered pictures? (For example: I ofter let the computer render 20Pictures over night and want to see them the next morning.

    2. Topic: When I click on "render" in the vfb-Render there comes a window with "(You have not specified a file name for the image to be rendered...​ (Sie haben keinen Dateinamen für das zu berechnende Bild angegeben..)." where can i fix this problem?

    would be sooo glad i anyone can tell me how this works.
    beste regards from germany

  • #2
    Hello tim_hansen,

    To show the History panel in the VFB go to View> Show History. Keep in mind that may not be enabled by default and you might need to enable it and set a History Folder. To do that, go to Options> VFB Settings> History tab. For more information about the VFB History, please check this page.

    In the VFB-Render (Viewer) i only see the last image. Is there a solution to see all the rendered pictures? (For example: I ofter let the computer render 20Pictures over night and want to see them the next morning.
    The VFB History was never designed to act like the Cinema 4D Picture Viewer since it is shared between all the V-Ray integrations and in 3DsMax and Maya for example the History is used differently than in Cinema 4D. You can manually save an image in the history panel. Alternatively, you can save the output of your renders as a .vrimg file via the V-Ray Output system, then you can load each of the frames inside the VFB to make some corrections.

    2. Topic: When I click on "render" in the vfb-Render there comes a window with "(You have not specified a file name for the image to be rendered...​ (Sie haben keinen Dateinamen für das zu berechnende Bild angegeben..)." where can i fix this problem?
    This message will appear if you render animation and you have not set a Save directory in the native Cinema4D Save system. Your renders are still going to be saved if you have set the output in the V-Ray Output System.

    I hope this is of help.
    Aleksandar Kasabov

