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Adding render elements using Python

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  • Adding render elements using Python


    I am trying to add render elements using python script in Cinema 4D. I am not sure how this can be done, but basically what I am trying to do is add a Reflection render element and enable "Consider for Anti-Aliasing". Any help please ?

  • Answer selected by aleksandar.kasabov at 20-03-2023, 06:35 AM.

    Hi fazil_aboura, I'm attaching an example python script doing exactly what you want - (the scripts is with txt extension due to file type limitations on the forum). Please do note several things:
    1. Currently the render elements are not trivially handled through the python API. If you have interest in using Python for different types of Render Elements we may consider adding a simpler way of doing this in future versions of V-Ray for Cinema 4D.
    2. Currently this script is precisely for making a "Reflection" render element. Adding a different render element type would require changes and we do not recommend modifying the script yourself.
    3. Generally - modifying the scene directly through Python may lead to irreversible scene corruption. So as a general suggestion - please backup your scene before any modifications performed by any script.

    Please, don't hesitate to ask here if you need further assistance with python scripts for V-Ray for Cinema 4D.


    • #2
      Hi fazil_aboura, I'm attaching an example python script doing exactly what you want - (the scripts is with txt extension due to file type limitations on the forum). Please do note several things:
      1. Currently the render elements are not trivially handled through the python API. If you have interest in using Python for different types of Render Elements we may consider adding a simpler way of doing this in future versions of V-Ray for Cinema 4D.
      2. Currently this script is precisely for making a "Reflection" render element. Adding a different render element type would require changes and we do not recommend modifying the script yourself.
      3. Generally - modifying the scene directly through Python may lead to irreversible scene corruption. So as a general suggestion - please backup your scene before any modifications performed by any script.

      Please, don't hesitate to ask here if you need further assistance with python scripts for V-Ray for Cinema 4D.
      Deyan Hadzhiev


      • #3
        Thank you so much for the help!

        I didn't expect it to be so complicated... A simpler way of doing it would be extremely helpful.

        I'm not a python expert but I know how code a few things, especially with C4D. But this code helped me understand how it works overall ( or almost ). My issue is that I can't find the ID for all render elements. Is there a way to find that?

        Thanks again!


        • #4
          Hi deyan.hadzhiev I know this is an older topic, but i was wondering if there was a way to make adding render elements easier via python?
          I was thinking if there isn't an easier way to automate these tasks with python, maybe if we could save the render element settings as presets somewhere. It would be easier to just load the preferred preset with a script when needed.

          Even better if the render elements could be linked to the render settings.

          My thinking behind this is that i would like to have access to the render element settings from the Take System, so we can render different mutations and different render settings with the optimal render elements. if there is any way to link these things together it would be a great QoL improvement!


          • #5
            +1 the post above about linking render elements and render takes. This would have been a huge help on my last project. I would also be interested in a more straightforward way to create render elements through python too.

