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Displacements Maps On Mesh With Multiple Materials - possible?

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  • Displacements Maps On Mesh With Multiple Materials - possible?


    If I have a single mesh, which has multiple materials, can I apply a displacement map using VRayGeometry for EACH of the material? I can only add a single VRayGeo item per mesh.

    Do I have to do this in Node mode?

    Thank you
  • Answer selected by aleksandar.kasabov at 05-04-2023, 02:55 AM.

    Hello pali_rao,

    To apply different displacement maps to different selections of your object you will need to load a VRayMultiSubTex shader in the texture slot of the displacement. Set the Mode of the VRayMultiSubTex to "Face Material ID", then load each texture as a new item in the Texture List tab and add the respective selection tag to it. Please check this video.​ Keep in mind that this will only work with UVW Mapping.

    We are looking for ways to improve this and to make the setup easier. I will let you know if we have updates on the matter.


    • #2
      Hello pali_rao,

      To apply different displacement maps to different selections of your object you will need to load a VRayMultiSubTex shader in the texture slot of the displacement. Set the Mode of the VRayMultiSubTex to "Face Material ID", then load each texture as a new item in the Texture List tab and add the respective selection tag to it. Please check this video.​ Keep in mind that this will only work with UVW Mapping.

      We are looking for ways to improve this and to make the setup easier. I will let you know if we have updates on the matter.
      Aleksandar Kasabov


      • #3
        Thank you Aleksander, that's great info!

