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No denoiser when rendering with Chaos Cloud

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  • No denoiser when rendering with Chaos Cloud

    I know maybe wrong forum, but maybe it is only C4D or other C4D user know solution.

    When I render with Chaos Cloud and have denoiser activ, the render results are without denoiser...
    compared to my local renderings, same settings..

    (Rendering animations)

    The denoiser tool isn't denoising so well like at rendering..
    Any idea what I am doing wrong?


  • #2
    Hello haniel1107​,

    Can you please send us a link to the job, so we can take a better look? Typically, if you are using exr output files, there is a separate layer in which the denoiser result is saved. If you are using a jpg/png file there should be a separate file with "denoiser" or "effectsResult" in the file name, which has the denoiser result.


    • #3
      Hello zhanet.georgieva, thanks a lot for your quick respond..

      Honestly I didn't thought about seperate layers, it didn't came up my I often render with the C4D output module..and have the denoised in the dinal results..
      Can you give me a tip, how I could reveal those denoised layers?

      Thanks a lot for your help..!!


      • #4
        Denoiser render elements are created when the denoiser is enabled within the scene. The actual denoising process occurs in the Cloud after the image rendering is completed. If a job is canceled before the rendering is completed and the denoising process hasn't started, the effectResult will be missing.

        For animations, our standalone Denoiser Tool can be a more effective approach. By running the denoising process after all frames are rendered, you can prevent any flickering and eliminate fireflies between the different frames.


        • #5
          Hi zhanet.georgieva
          thank you, but how can I seperate the layers in post? Talking about an animation sequence.


          • #6
            Hi haniel1107,

            If you're working with image sequences in formats like jpg/png, the layers are separated when rendering with enabled Denoiser and Mode = Show the channel with the Denoised Result in VFB, allowing you to manipulate them independently.

            I noticed from your recent jobs on the cloud that the denoiser wasn't enabled. If you could provide me with the job ID of the specific project in question, I'd be happy to take a closer look.
            The ID of a render job can be obtained from the Chaos Cloud's URL of the web interface when the Job Details page is open, as shown in the example.​​


            • #7
              Hi zhanet.georgieva, very kind...
              Honestly the last jobs should have activated denoiser.. for example this one, which is still online KA3_Interior_Cockpit_Light_Scene_57_v1

              Can you access this one?

              PS: I was rendering as exr


              • #8
                Hi haniel1107​,

                Can you send me the job ID ? Please see the example how to get it:

                Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	182
Size:	21.1 KB
ID:	1193896


                • #9
                  Originally posted by zhanet.georgieva View Post
                  Hi haniel1107​,

                  Can you send me the job ID ? Please see the example how to get it:

                  Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	21.1 KB ID:	1193896
                  Sorry: K7-z9FcxwEQx2XCZ

                  But please take care that no pictures are seen here in this forum, as it is a confidental job.. Thank you


                  • #10
                    Hi haniel1107​,

                    I have opened a Ticket # 168249 in our system to help you out with the issue.


                    • #11
                      Thank you very much... I will upload later today..

