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Multi Material Selection and Edit

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  • Multi Material Selection and Edit

    I noticed that Maxon has made it possible to allow multi-select edits for node materials which is very helpful. It makes it possible to select multiple node materials and make changes to all of them at the same time, which is a workable solution for color space conversions. I can select a bunch of materials and unify certain map's transfer function or primaries for instance. (I know there is a massive fight happen on the max forum in regards to this topic). I was working my way through an imported scene and did a material conversion to nodes. The problem I've run into is that in order for Multi Materials Selection to work you have to have your main V-ray Material set to Start Node which highlights the node with a green border. When doing the standard to node conversion the main Vray Mat is not set to Start Node which means means either changing one mat at a time or turning on the Start Node option for every node material. That's rough if you work on environment or archviz typically which require lots of assets and textures, many of them imported and converted. Would it be possible to have the converter set the VrayMat that's plugged into the output Material default to Start Node? What do you think? Difficult or impossible?

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Start Node - im only allowed 5 images per post so here's the setting in question.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Hi wolfgang_himmelfarb, we will consider this suggestion. Certainly, the conversion of node materials should set the Start Node for all converted materials (this is something that we missed and will fix soon). We will also consider adding something for updating existing node materials. Thanks for your post.
      Deyan Hadzhiev


      • #4
        Thank you very much for the response. overall though the cinema vray experience is very good

