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Input Color Profile: linear > How can I get the right color, if I have classic hexacode/sRGB-values

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  • Input Color Profile: linear > How can I get the right color, if I have classic hexacode/sRGB-values

    Hi, if I use the linear color profile and I get classic hexacode/sRGB-values from my client, the color in the viewport and renderings are very different to the original. What workflow can I use to get the right color?

    Thank you

  • #2

    It would be good if you could provide us with some examples of what you are describing, such as a simple scene or some photos illustrating it.

    Thank you.
    Daniel Kapsazov |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hi, I think it is a question in generell. I work with R21, Vray 6, but i think the problem that you see a different color in linear system if you got a hexa or RGB value of projectcolors from your client, who is usually working in nonlinear colorsystem, is independent of the software version.


      • #4
        Originally posted by View Post
        Hi, if I use the linear color profile and I get classic hexacode/sRGB-values from my client, the color in the viewport and renderings are very different to the original. What workflow can I use to get the right color?
        Hello there, can you elaborate what exactly do you mean by linear color profile? Do you mean that you are setting the Input Color Profile document parameter to Linear or something else?
        Click image for larger version

Name:	Cinema_4D_H87DnurZMJ.png
Views:	153
Size:	34.5 KB
ID:	1203854

        This is important to give you correct answer - but generally, this option determines how V-Ray is reading input colors. When this option is Linear, all values in input color parameters are considered as if they are in linear color space (or the same color space that will be used for rendering). Here is the example where you get the exact input color values (in a scene using Linear as Input Color Profile):
        Click image for larger version

Name:	Cinema_4D_qx1oDseyaA.png
Views:	119
Size:	416.0 KB
ID:	1203855

        Note the following remarks on the example:
        1. To get exact color results, you have to use an ambient light, with intensity 1.0, and ambient shade 0.0 with non-physical camera. Otherwise you need to match the exposure, surface and lighting very precisely.
        2. This is the input color value, and it is not corrected (and considered in linear color space) when used by the renderer, due to the Linear value in the Input Color Profile.
        3. This is the output color value in the V-Ray VFB. Note that the value there is dependent on the Display Correction and the option for displaying color values (4).
        4. The display correction and option for color values is relevant to get the correct value in 3. To get an exact match, you have to use the same display correction as the input space. So in this example, the correction has to be None because the input is Linear.
        5. The Material preview and color swatch get an additional sRGB correction (applied by Cinema 4D and not under our control). Mostly because of this, we suggest using sRGB as Input Color Profile (when the legacy color system is used), so that the previews match the expected color.

        So to summarize - to get the exact result, you need to properly setup your scene and display corrections. If you need further help, please provide an example scene with the problem you are observing.
        Deyan Hadzhiev


        • #5
          Hi Deyan,

          thanks for your answer and sorry that I didn't sent you some screenshots before. Attached you see 2 screenshots, that make the problem visible: if I get RGB-values from my client (e.g. corporate colors) and I use "Input Color Profile: sRGB" the colors look correct. But if I switch to "linear" the colors are completely different. My question is: how can I work in "linear" and get the right colors? Second question: do I have a benefit, if I work with "linear color profile"?


          Attached Files

