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Animated Texture Offset

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  • Animated Texture Offset

    Hello there,
    is it possible to add an offset to animated textures to get some variation?

    I have an image sequence 0000 to 0200 and load it into a vraybitmap shader.
    In the animation tab, I press calculate, getting the right start and endframe.
    If I copy the texture and put a different start frame under image flie list, nothing changes.
    the textures are still show the same.

    any ideas?

  • #2
    Hey folklore, the image file list options are intended to be used only with .ifl files. For simple image sequences this control is achieved with only the options under the "Sequence" tab or the "Explicit" tab. In the "Explicit" tab there is a dedicated option for offset, but you have to either manually animate the frame number parameter or use the current frame (thus you would need to have the sequence frame rate matching your animation frame rate).
    Deyan Hadzhiev


    • #3
      thank you. I was only reading the vray doc and it says "The Sequence Type reads the files as a whole animation, while the Explicit type allows you to select a single frame from the texture animation and use it as a static shader. Parameters are different for each type"
      So, I wasnt really checking the tap explicit. further down it shows the fault. thank you-

