I'm making a simple project, which involves a big area of water, which used c4d noise in bump.
This scene needs to be now animated, so I'm just checking c4d noise animation parameter and... it does not work in Vray.
Using vraybaketex is a no-go, as obviously I want an infinite bum on a large scale.
I remember quite good, that Vray 3 could render those noise animations, why isn't capable now?
And most importantly - what's the way to achieve a simple animated water bump noise? Seems like it's impossible?
I'm stuck with this simple project.
(for the time being I used noismax shader from node materials - but it is not good enough)
Btw, why are some vray shaders hidden only for node editors?
I'm making a simple project, which involves a big area of water, which used c4d noise in bump.
This scene needs to be now animated, so I'm just checking c4d noise animation parameter and... it does not work in Vray.
Using vraybaketex is a no-go, as obviously I want an infinite bum on a large scale.
I remember quite good, that Vray 3 could render those noise animations, why isn't capable now?
And most importantly - what's the way to achieve a simple animated water bump noise? Seems like it's impossible?
I'm stuck with this simple project.
(for the time being I used noismax shader from node materials - but it is not good enough)
Btw, why are some vray shaders hidden only for node editors?