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Add a new layer to freeze vray vfb

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  • Add a new layer to freeze vray vfb

    Click image for larger version

Name:	}T)2O(RI8_@]EAAG5RD[4AO.png
Views:	194
Size:	78.4 KB
ID:	1224033 I recorded a demonstration video of the problem, and I'm not sure if it's just me who encounters this issue. It seems that it's not really frozen. I just need to minimize the VFB of Vray and then restore the window, and the freeze can be resolved
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hi 123456_ Thank you for sharing this. I am currently unable to replicate the freeze on my end.

    Could you please share which Cinema 4D and V-Ray versions are you using?


    • #3
      Originally posted by viktor_angelov View Post
      Hi 123456_ Thank you for sharing this. I am currently unable to replicate the freeze on my end.

      Could you please share which Cinema 4D and V-Ray versions are you using?
      The C4D version is 2024.4. Is it possible that this is a problem with the Windows system, as I did not experience this freezing situation when using VRay before, but it is normal for me to use 3dmax VRay on this computer Click image for larger version

Views:	127
Size:	26.5 KB
ID:	1224068


      • #4
        Hi 123456_ Is it correct to understand that you are using Cinema 4D 2024.4.0 ?

        If you have never had this before you could try installing an older version of V-Ray to check if the freeze will appear again.

        Meanwhile, I tested with Cinema 4D 2024.4.0 and 2024.4.1 with your V-Ray version and could not reproduce the freeze.


        • #5
          Originally posted by viktor_angelov View Post
          Hi 123456_ Is it correct to understand that you are using Cinema 4D 2024.4.0 ?

          If you have never had this before you could try installing an older version of V-Ray to check if the freeze will appear again.

          Meanwhile, I tested with Cinema 4D 2024.4.0 and 2024.4.1 with your V-Ray version and could not reproduce the freeze.
          I feel like it might be a problem with the Windows system, as I have older versions of VRay and C4D on my computer. Previously, there were no issues, but I don't know why this freezing phenomenon occurs now. When it freezes, I can also unfreeze it by scrolling the mouse wheel


          • #6
            Have you performed any Windows updates recently? You could check this at Windows Settings > Windows Update > Update History.

            I am asking about the versions as the specific combination might be causing the issue. Do all of your C4D versions on the same computer have this Freeze ?


            • #7
              Originally posted by viktor_angelov View Post
              Hi 123456_ Is it correct to understand that you are using Cinema 4D 2024.4.0 ?

              If you have never had this before you could try installing an older version of V-Ray to check if the freeze will appear again.

              Meanwhile, I tested with Cinema 4D 2024.4.0 and 2024.4.1 with your V-Ray version and could not reproduce the freeze.
              Yes, the C4D version is 2024.4.0, and all versions on the same computer have this issue,I have not performed any Windows updates
              Last edited by 123456_; 10-01-2025, 02:38 AM.


              • #8
                Although I don't know why this happened, the newly released VRay 7 has fixed this issue


                • #9
                  Great to hear 123456_ Enjoy your time with V-Ray 7!

