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VFB broken

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  • VFB broken


    in the latest stable version, the VFB window has lost all its UI elements, it just opens as a blank gray window.
    Some elements briefly appear when I resize the window (see screenshot) but they don't stay. Unfortunately this makes all of Vray unusable.
    This is on OS X 10.13.6, C4D R21


  • #2
    …good to see that someone else has this issue, too…
    I have mentioned that a while ago and no-one really seemed to care…
    I was told it might be "R20" related but you are using R21, so the Chaos guys and girls should really look into that again


    • #3
      Originally posted by SvenH View Post
      …good to see that someone else has this issue, too…
      I have mentioned that a while ago and no-one really seemed to care…
      I was told it might be "R20" related but you are using R21, so the Chaos guys and girls should really look into that again
      Good to know indeed!
      Not only do we have the same issue, but also the same name
      It's definitely not related to the C4D version, because it worked for me a few beta versions ago.


      • #4
        agree…it worked in the first beta and some nightlies and got lost somewhere on the way to final release


        • #5

          you're having issues with the V-Ray VFB is because the QT framework that the frame buffer is based on isn't working well with macOS 10.13. Those issues are fixed in macOS 10.14 and newer versions of the OS.
          Ivan Shaykov


          • #6
            I was told it might be "R20" related but you are using R21, so the Chaos guys and girls should really look into that again
            The issues that you might have experienced with R20 are because of another problem related to R20 and the old UI system that it has which unfortunately isn't related to the issue described above. It is logged in our system, as well.
            Last edited by shaio; 14-12-2020, 05:13 AM.
            Ivan Shaykov


            • #7
              shaio so your´re basically saying:
              pixeldoggy´s issue is because he is using 10.13 (bad) and R21(good)

              my issue is because I am using 10.14 (good) and R20 (bad)…???

              I know it is massively simplified, but is this what you mean?


              • #8
                Originally posted by SvenH View Post
                shaio so your´re basically saying:
                pixeldoggy´s issue is because he is using 10.13 (bad) and R21(good)

                my issue is because I am using 10.14 (good) and R20 (bad)…???

                I know it is massively simplified, but is this what you mean?
                Yes, that is exactly what I mean!
                Ivan Shaykov


                • #9
                  Originally posted by shaio View Post

                  you're having issues with the V-Ray VFB is because the QT framework that the frame buffer is based on isn't working well with macOS 10.13. Those issues are fixed in macOS 10.14 and newer versions of the OS.
                  Thanks for the insight. Unfortunately I can't upgrade my OS any further on that machine. But why did it work in earlier beta versions then?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by shaio View Post

                    Yes, that is exactly what I mean!
                    ok…but are you guys planning to fix this anyway or do I have to upgrade to R23 or whatever the current number is…?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SvenH View Post

                      ok…but are you guys planning to fix this anyway or do I have to upgrade to R23 or whatever the current number is…?
                      It is in our to-do list for fixing but I can't really tell any timeframe that this might take. I'll keep you posted about this. Upgrading to R21 or newer is always an option however I would suggest trying the trial version of the latest Cinema 4D with V-Ray 5 to make sure you don't have any other issues with the VFB.
                      Last edited by shaio; 14-12-2020, 11:44 AM.
                      Ivan Shaykov


                      • #12
                        I'd like to bring this issue forward again.

                        shaio Did you guys do something in this regard? Are there nightlies that fixed this issue?
                        Honestly I cannot and will not carry on testing and trying not speaking of buying if I cannot render my files in the VFB…


                        • #13
                          Same here - I had to make a purchase decision, and after using Vray for the past 12 years, I now have to settle for the competition due to the non-functinal VFB...


                          • #14
                            Hey SvenH and pixeldoggy I'm sorry about this but unfortunately this isn't something that will be easy to fix and that is why I wasn't, and I'm still unable to give any timeframe for fixing. When the issue is within a 3rd party library that isn't ours there isn't much we can do. We did try a few fixes, but unfortunately it is producing more issues instead of fixing them.
                            The current only solution for this are my suggestions above which were upgrading to a newer OS version or to a new Cinema 4D version.
                            Ivan Shaykov


                            • #15
                              …okay, well that is at least a clear statement, wether I like it or not. Now I know where we stand with this issue.
                              shaio Thank you!

