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No lens effects and glare

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  • No lens effects and glare

    I don't know why I don't get any glare and lens effects. In VFB2 glare channel is black.
    I have spot light sources on the ceiling and the scene is additionally illuminated by HDR
    I think, that in older vray5 releases this worked normal. I'm working on the December 10 release

    Click image for larger version

Name:	no lens fx.jpg
Views:	556
Size:	84.5 KB
ID:	1098598

    Click image for larger version

Name:	no lens  fx 2.jpg
Views:	487
Size:	234.6 KB
ID:	1098599

  • #2
    Hi Makushimu

    Can you let me know how the lights are done/what type of lights are used in the scene? Lens effects should be working just fine, are you sure all the lights are enabled? If you disable them and re-render, are you getting the same results?

    Might be a good idea to forward us the project so we can investigate further - you can do so by reaching out to us though our contact form. Make sure to mention this thread in the email.
    Nikoleta Garkova |


    • #3
      Some time ago, lens effects worked in the same configuration as in this scene.
      Dome light from HDR + area lights or sphere lights. Previously, with the HDR alone, the lenses also worked.
      Sphere lights are used in this particular scene. On a ceiling.
      All other render settings are default, I use auto exposure but also no lens effects without it, I tried different aperature settings.

      I found it.
      I've noticed that lens effects don't work with color mapping set to exponential.
      I have a feeling that in earlier releases it worked with any color mapping.
      With reinhald lens fx work fine. I did not check the other color mappings.
      Last edited by Makushimu; 14-01-2021, 07:16 AM.


      • #4
        Thank you for clarifying. The effect is based on pixel values, using Exponential will clamp the color values which will result in low intensity on those pixels - they can't be read; I'll actually make a note for this to be added in the docs as well. You can use Reinhard and control it with the Burn value - if set to 0.0, the result is the same as Exponential. Values between 0.0 and 1.0 will blend the two types (Reinhard/Exponential).
        Nikoleta Garkova |

