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Make preview in C4D Doesnt work with vray material

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  • Make preview in C4D Doesnt work with vray material

    I try to make animation preview with vray materials assigned but show me only black and no materials when i change with standar material works. any idea please?

  • #2
    I'm not sure if I follow, but unless it's a refractive material (or a missing asset) the viewport previews should work just fine.
    Can you post a screenshot of a problematic material and the viewport?


    • #3
      Thanks YunalZobu i attached pictures. Click image for larger version

Name:	with vray material.jpeg
Views:	1066
Size:	99.6 KB
ID:	1099716Click image for larger version

Name:	without.jpeg
Views:	1063
Size:	102.5 KB
ID:	1099717


      • #4
        Right. Now I see that you are using the Animate -> Make Preview option.
        That works for me, but only when you assign the "Viewport Renderer", then the previews render just fine. If you switch it to "Full Render" mode though, it starts rendering with the default "Standard" renderer.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	MBFoHSVL4S.png
Views:	1111
Size:	15.5 KB
ID:	1099722


        • #5
          got it, but the point is that i assigned vray materials i will make the animation preview with these materials, not with standard right? but appears black. This is the issue it doesn't make with vray materials.


          • #6
            Just assign your V-Ray materials and for rendering out a preview of the sequence, go ahead and switch the renderer to "Viewport Renderer" (or Hardware renderer on previous c4d versions) from the Render Settings.
            This way the materials won't render black.
            Last edited by YunalZobu; 21-01-2021, 09:06 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by YunalZobu View Post
              Just assign your V-Ray materials and for rendering out a preview of the sequence, go ahead and switch the renderer to "Viewport Renderer" (or Hardware renderer on previous c4d versions) from the Render Settings.
              This way the materials won't render black.
              I also tried rendering with viewport renderer, but materials render black.


              • #8

                This has already been reported in our internal system (bug ID: VC4D-927) and I will let you know once we have updates on the matter. This has also been discussed in this forum post.

                Originally posted by ssadovic View Post

                I also tried rendering with viewport renderer, but materials render black.
                Could you please share a short screen recording of a test scene where the issue appears even when the Preview mode is set to "Viewport Renderer" so we can have a look? Thanks.
                Aleksandar Kasabov

