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Multipass Issue

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  • Multipass Issue


    I have some issues with Multipass rendering.
    All Object Id's are shifted in position and size.

    What I need to mention is, I rendered the Highres Animation with Vray5 (first time with vray cloud), but the multipass with Cinema standard renderer - locally...

    I know this is not the usual workflow, but it worked very well in the past.
    Also for me a very cost efficient solution, as sometimes the need of multipass layers is shown later...

    There shouldn't be a differences in sizes and positions... right?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Did you try to set the Camera Type to "Pinhole"?


    • #3
      Originally posted by klex167 View Post
      Did you try to set the Camera Type to "Pinhole"?
      Honestly not... as it wasn't necessary in the past.
      Is this something, what need to be done?

      But I will test it, thanks!


      • #4
        As I know the Vray Camera is perfectly physical. The Cinema Cam is sometimes slightly different. With "Pinhole" you force Vray to be exactly like you see in the viewport/cinema.


        • #5
          Cool, I will try as soon as I can. Thanks!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by haniel1107 View Post

            Honestly not... as it wasn't necessary in the past.
            Is this something, what need to be done?

            But I will test it, thanks!
            This shouldn't be necessary. Can you share a simple scene or setup, so I can investigate this? Testing this on a simple setup here (local and cloud) doesn't really shift anything. It is very possible to have something in your setup or settings in the camera that is causing this.
            Ivan Shaykov


            • #7
              Hi Ivan,
              thanks, yes I will try to reduce the file as soon I have the time.
              As, I am not allowed to send the whole engine file...



              • #8
                Originally posted by haniel1107 View Post
                Hi Ivan,
                thanks, yes I will try to reduce the file as soon I have the time.
                As, I am not allowed to send the whole engine file...

                I understand. As long as it is reproducible on your side with the simple scene it will do the job. Thank you.
                Ivan Shaykov


                • #9
                  Hello Ivan,
                  I have reduced the files and could sent you a link via PM.

                  I could reproduce the error.
                  There are two files. One with cinema standard render for object ID, the other with vray renderer for the highres.
                  I've rendered from both one frame. (Frame 349)
                  If I delete (rendering with Vray) the cam Tag, the Multipass from the Cinema STD render fits perfectly.

                  This is what I could figure out.

                  Thanks for your help.


                  • #10
                    Thank you for the scenes. I quickly checked the scenes and I didn't realize, and it wasn't mentioned in the post that we're talking about the Cinema 4D objectID buffer and not the ObjectID that comes with V-Ray object properties.

                    If I delete (rendering with Vray) the cam Tag, the Multipass from the Cinema STD render fits perfectly.
                    Are you trying to render the Cinema 4D ObjectID Buffer with V-Ray?

                    ps: the scene that has the setup with V-Ray doesn't have any objectID`s setup. I'm I missing something?
                    Last edited by shaio; 02-02-2021, 12:28 PM.
                    Ivan Shaykov


                    • #11
                      Hi, no I am rendered the object buffer with cinema standard renderer. Sometimes it shows up later, that a multipass could be usefull. Then I render it with material override in cinema, not with vray. As I am doing only animations, this way it takes only a second per frame and costs nothing. Easiest way to get a mask afterwards.
                      I know this sounds like a strange workflow, but worked well in the past. And why should there be differences between cinemas physical cam and vray physical cam. Hope I could explain the issue...



                      • #12
                        And why should there be differences between cinemas physical cam and vray physical cam. Hope I could explain the issue...
                        This is a simple explanation. Generally speaking it is because the V-Ray's Physical camera is a completely different implementation compared to Cinema 4D's camera. The simple example I can give you is that you're trying to compare the differences between a "Nikon" and Canon" cameras and wonder why they produce different images. Cinema 4D doesn't give us a clear way to implement the Physical Camera as a separate object not as a tag, so we can at least show that those cameras are different.

                        I know this sounds like a strange workflow, but worked well in the past.
                        I'll check the scenes once more and try to understand since it really is an unusual workflow, and I'm sure there could be a better way of doing this. I have to check how this was working in the past but with V-Ray 5 a lot of old workflows might be unusable and change is required.

                        I'll keep you updated.
                        Ivan Shaykov


                        • #13
                          Ah ok, I understand, thanks for checking this... !!

