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Animation and DR-Rendering

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  • Animation and DR-Rendering

    I cannot render a simple animation via DR in GPU / CPU mode. Are there any special render settings in Vray5 that differ from Vray 3.7?

    Nvidia RTX 3090, macOS Catalina 10.15.7, Vray5 for Cinema4D, hotfix 1 (v5.00.43 from Mar 12 2021), Cinema R21

    Best regards

  • #2
    Hi pardalis ,

    I will test that and get back to you as soon as I have more information. Until then, can you please let me know if you get any error/warning messages? If yes, please send me a screenshot.

    Thank you.
    Aleksandar Kasabov


    • #3
      Hello Aleksandar,

      according to the latest HotFix 2, the animations work in DR rendering. What doesn't work in DR rendering is hybrid rendering. The CPU of the render slave does not work. It goes very briefly at the beginning to about 100% utilization and is then always at 1%.

      the only warning I get in the console is:
      [0h 0m 0.6s] [WARNING] Adaptive dome light disabled for light "Dome_Light_B3D82600EDAF0925@light" because the light has objects excluded from shadow casting
      [0h 1m 16.3s] [WARNING] Adaptive dome light disabled for light "Dome_Light_B3D82600EDAF0925@light" because the light has objects excluded from shadow casting
      [0h 2m 20.3s] [WARNING] Adaptive dome light disabled for light "Dome_Light_B3D82600EDAF0925@light" because the light has objects excluded from shadow casting
      [0h 3m 23.4s] [WARNING] Adaptive dome light disabled for light "Dome_Light_B3D82600EDAF0925@light" because the light has objects excluded from shadow casting
      [0h 4m 28.9s] [WARNING] Adaptive dome light disabled for light "Dome_Light_B3D82600EDAF0925@light" because the light has objects excluded from shadow casting
      [0h 5m 32.8s] [WARNING] Adaptive dome light disabled for light "Dome_Light_B3D82600EDAF0925@light" because the light has objects excluded from shadow casting
      [0h 6m 37.0s] [WARNING] Adaptive dome light disabled for light "Dome_Light_B3D82600EDAF0925@light" because the light has objects excluded from shadow casting

      If I render directly (without DR rendering) on the render slave, the hybrid rendering only works about 95%. If it works, the GPU and CPU are at 95-100% utilization. Unfortunately, the failures of the CPU cannot be reproduced, but only happen when a new sequence is started. The curve in the task manager goes to about 100% and immediately drops to 1% at the start of rendering. Sometimes a restart helps, sometimes a different file version, sometimes closing and opening the file, etc., etc. There is no regularity and it is always a gamble whether the CPU renders in hybrid mode or not.

      Best regards


      • #4
        Hi pardalis ,
        How do you set the GPU devices which will be used for rendering in the render slave? I just want to mention that the devices should be set separately on the render slave and they're can't be set from the workstation that you're initiating the DR rendering.
        Ivan Shaykov


        • #5
          Hi shaio,

          when I start the DR rendering from my workstation, the VrayStandalone is open on the render slaves. I have no setting options there.


          • #6
            Maybe that is the reason why you don't see the CPU utilized since it isn't selected as a rendering device. You need to set the devices that are going to be used for rendering on your render slave separately from the workstation. There is no way to set them from the workstation where you start the DR rendering because the machine doesn't know what is the hardware on the lave machine and how to use it for rendering. On the local workstation you only set the devices for this specific machine not for the slaves.

            I'll try and help you to set this up. What OS is running on the machine where you start the render slave?
            Ivan Shaykov


            • #7
              Hi shaio ,

              here are the data from the render slave:

              Click image for larger version

Name:	001.jpg
Views:	280
Size:	64.1 KB
ID:	1108902

              Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090, Driver 461.09,


              • #8
                Thank you!
                To select the rendering devices for each slave you need to go to Start > All Apps > V-Ray for Cinema 4D R2X > Select devices for V-Ray GPU rendering

                You will see a window like the one below and make sure that you have all the needed devices selected then click "Select Devices" to confirm.
                Click image for larger version

Name:	gpu_device_sel.png
Views:	261
Size:	17.4 KB
ID:	1109111
                Now when you start a DR slave on this machine it should use the selected devices for rendering.

                Let me know if this helps.
                Ivan Shaykov


                • #9
                  thank you for your help. Hybrid rendering now also works in DR rendering.

                  Best regards

