Windows 10 Pro Version: 10.0.19042 Build 19042 Cinema 4D R23.110 (Build RB330286) V-Ray 5 for Cinema 4D, hotfix 1 (v5.00.43 from Feb 11 2021) CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor 3.80 GHz RAM: 64,0 GB Graphic: GeForce GTX 1070 Ti SSD
Hi all,
The first time iam working with V-Ray 5 in production. I will post Bugs/Issues along the way and update this thread all the time when I come across a bug/oversight etc.
- [MISSING] V-Ray Material Filter is missing (This is very important)
- [NEW!!!] [OVERSIGHT] Use V-Ray Output System: If Rendering is restarted and theres already the same file there, it will overwrite the file. Theres no warning or "stop before overwriting the file". It simply overwrites the old file. This is highly dangerous in my opinion.
- [NEW!!!] [OVERSIGHT] Use V-Ray Output System: If Rendering is started and the output-path does not exist, no warning is given. Nothing is happening. This is highly dangerous in my opinion.
- [MISSING] Converter Popup doesnt show up on scenes which has no V-Ray Rendersettings enabled. You have to do it manually by using "Convert V-Ray 3 Scene" in "V-Ray -> Tools"
- [MISSING] Old V-Ray Proxy Conversion Support. When opening 3.7 Scenes with V-Ray Proxies they are not supported. I know the Proxysystem is different know. Are old VrMeshes supported? If yes: a Converter would be great. If not this would also be horrible. How do we know how long something is supported? Currently my whole library with 3.7 Materials and 3.7 Proxies seem not to be fully supported/converted right.
- [BUG] If the Cloner is set to "Render Instance" and also there is an instance as child of a cloner which also set to "Render Instance" Interactive Renderer positions the clones anywhere else. (I know there is nothing like render instanced render instances. It was a fault of mine) but Cinema 4D Viewport and Renderer is rendering fine even with this. If Cloner is set to "instance" and child-instance to "render instance" it works.
- [BUG] If theres a Cloner with Render Instances and the original object in a group but not the original object is textured, instead the Group which has Cloner, Instances and the original object is mapped/textured: Texture glitches are happening
- [BUG] After copying one specific Material, changing name and adding an opacity Map -> Console popped up -> V-Ray was spamming: "No another preview could be created" "New Preview is not allowed". It constantly spammed this in the console. After deleting this material everything was fine. Preview was not generated as V-Ray said. After restarting Cinema and reloading the scene it was "fixed". Preview was also generated. Very weird bug.
V-Ray Camera-Tag:
- [MISSING] Settings are not undoable
- [OVERSIGHT] Focal Length (mm): When creating the Camera-Tag its set to 36. But if you set it to "Default-Value" it is set to 40
V-Ray Interactive Rendering:
- [NEW!!!] [BUG] The Interactive Renderer in general is extremely buggy, Cinema crashes often/hangs. It happens when doing random things. I cant even tell what is causing this. It seems its very sensitive to anything. Currently C4D freezes when I just clicked on Cameratag while interactive was rendering.
- [MISSING] V-Ray Material -> Options -> Round Edges Enabled: Not changing in Interactive Rendering. You have to restart Interactive Rendering to see the effect
V-Ray Sun:
- [MISSING] Sun-Direction-Indicator is missing. In C4D and 3.7 you had an Indicator which shows you in which direction the sun is pointing
- [MISSING] or [BUG] In the Cinema 4D Viewport -> Options -> Shadows: Are not shown
- [BUG] Options -> History -> Location: Use Project Path is not working