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Refraction/Transparency doesn't show environment color VRAY 5 C4D

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  • Refraction/Transparency doesn't show environment color VRAY 5 C4D

    Hey Guys,

    I'm having an issue with environment and transparency. I need a specific #-Code as a background-color so I placed a background. The colors render as needed but the transparency isn't effected by that color. It's just black behind the transparency.
    Check my render screenshot. Does anybody know how to solve that issue?

    I need a plain color with no gradient in the background

    Thanks in advance!

    Attached Files
    Last edited by andreas_schiefer; 01-04-2021, 07:35 AM.

  • #2
    Hi Andreas,
    I'm not quite sure if I got the question right, just in case I did and you haven't looked into the "affect alpha" option, take a look at the attached image
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately this doesn't solve the problem. I built a lightroom with an extrudes spline and gave it the same material as the background object. The extruded Spline works as it should but has a gradient towards the sides so doesn't work for this case...


      • #4
        It's hard to say without a scene/more images, but could it be the default vignetting? (phys cam tag -> Color and Exposure) Setting that to 0 will definitely affect your image corners.


        • #5
          Thanks again. Yeah, tried that, too. Vignette is gone but I have to "guess" the right color by changing the exposing settings. Advantage of the background object is that it's obviously not affected by exposure settings... Uploading the orignal scene is unfortunately not possible due to "prototype" issues. But I can set up a similar scene and upload it over the weekend! Have some great easter days...

