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Resolved : due to auto_white balance ;;;;CRASH since yesterday unable to render anything

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  • Resolved : due to auto_white balance ;;;;CRASH since yesterday unable to render anything

    Everything went normal, untill yesterday where my Vray5 for c4D began to crash on sam erenders it was able to render the morning . I have to reboot the computer everytime because the screen freezes . Super anoying in mid-production !
    Any idea?

    Last edited by skulldoestalkfast; 16-04-2021, 02:25 AM.

  • #2
    another console grab


    • #3
      seems like all the system is going mad


      • #4
        crashes when i activate the override tab Auto_white balance", must be that, because it renders nicelly when the option is not active
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Same here, I installed latest nightly and was impossible to render: Always a popup with "core problem". I reinstalled the previous and worked witout problem


          • #6
            Hi, can you give an example scene or the crash dump files, so we may either reproduce this or check the dump.

            Juan Ferreira - can you give an example scene that reproduces this? Are you using V-Ray GPU and is it CUDA or RTX?
            Deyan Hadzhiev


            • #7
              hi Deyan, I was rendering on CUDA (2 X RTX5000 + 10cores XEON) The crash is very mysterious thing, sometimes it renders ( like now), but at one moment it seems the whole system is going crazy. I first thought also it was a question of reached GPU limits on my computer, but as you could see in the screen grab the render uses 4 or 6 out of 16GB for each card. I reduced some 4K maps to 1K or 2K, it renders well. Pushed them again to 4K and.. renders well untill I try a render with "auto white balance". The absurdity of the event is that I tried again a few minuts ago and ... no bug or crash at all, all seems right. It is clearly something strange. Where can I locate the crash dump file?


              • #8
                another crash right now: as the Vray advanced Bitmap option is noat available for now in the menu, I put a Vray Bitmap channel inside a C4D filter, to correct the brightness of a color map. Went well but after a few minuts... crash. Can this kind of trick be responsible for all the crashes in my machine?


                • #9
                  I'm attaching a screenshot with the possible location - note that the directory should be different on your machine. You can easily open it from Preferences -> Open Preferences Folder, and check its _bugreports subdirectory.
                  The files that are of interest there are the "_BugReport.txt" and "minidump.dmp".
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	bug_reports.png
Views:	208
Size:	57.6 KB
ID:	1111018
                  Deyan Hadzhiev


                  • #10
                    Hi Deyan sorry but I can not send the scene because yesterday I was worked on 4-5 scenes and when my computer did crashed 2 or 3 times I resinstalled Vray and I dont remenber what scene was the first.

                    I can say you that I was rendered with GPU (Cuda), R 21,

                    Attach files that you request

                    If you need something more, tell me please
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      here is a bug report, and the minidump Deyan. Do not know if they are the right ones ..
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by skulldoestalkfast; 16-04-2021, 10:34 AM.


                      • #12
                        so this is a new crash: just modified the vignetting parameter of the camera from 6 to 10 . Rendered without problem before, (and I removed all the filters I had in the material texture editor).
                        It seems like somehow it crashes when modifying some parameters :/ , camera focal length, vignetting or auto white balance for example
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          this kind of message appears every time in the console ... (I downloaded the latest version of the licence server a few days ago). Do not know if the problems are related to this point.
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            came back to driver 460.89 that worked fine untill I changed it for supported driver 461.9. Lets see if everything is more stable.


                            • #15
                              everything seems ok now, no more crashes using previous driver 460.89

