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  • Frustration

    I'm getting more and more frustrated !!!
    Today, at least 30% of the work time was spent in passive waiting over stuttering vray.

    It's about choking while rendering materials continuously.
    Almost every change of anything in the scene, moving objects, changing views, and worst of all, importing new objects results in a long wait for vray to deal with rendering materials - sometimes the same materials again !!!
    I import an object with a few materials to the scene and wait sometimes over 1 minute until I can even move it.
    I cannot work without previewing the materials, because I sometimes modify them, and this results in another waiting.
    Do not ask me to send you an example scene, because the problem that has been discussed many times on the forum is scene independent.
    Please set the highest priority for solving this problem.
    Now I have over 3k - 1/3 of all scenes with different objects converted to vray5 and I don't have the strength to convert it back to another rendering engine. If I had known it would be so, and that it would not be fixed after so long, I would not have chosen vray5.
    So what if varay renders fast, when so much time is slipping away while passive waiting ...

    Forgive me if that sounded unpleasant, but it's true.
    Last edited by Makushimu; 19-05-2021, 01:10 AM.

  • #2
    To prove what I wrote, I am sharing a video. A simple scene, a building, some furniture, simple textures, nothing special. To start doing anything I have to wait over 12 minutes for the vray to cope with loading textures and displaying them in the viewport. Until Vray do this, I cannot rotate the view, select materials, objects, etc. Everything jams until the vray deal with the materials in the viewport.
    There will be five more times more furniture and textures in this project, I wonder how much will I wait until I can work ... an hour? And even then, new jams appear anyway after importing more objects with new materials.
    Last edited by Makushimu; 19-05-2021, 01:09 AM.


    • #3
      This is something that must be improved ASAP, while here I do not get that as often as you describe, it is definitely annoying when it happens. Fixing this should have top priority IMO.
      3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
      NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
      @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


      • #4
        And I thought we only have these "wheel of doom" problems on a mac ... - yes this s very frustratingly - especially having an up to date CPU machine and still waiting ages (yes about 30%)for reaction and updating.


        • #5
          I let Tyme run with me ... I wait about 1 - 1,5 std per working day for a reaction from Vray5 when I work in the textures. That's about one working day per week, 4 per month and 48 days per year ... more than I have vacations ... I hope the problem will be fixed soon.
          Last edited by pardalis; 19-05-2021, 04:32 AM.


          • #6
            Hello. We are aware of the preview rendering problems and slow downs caused by this. We have attempted to improve the implementation, but unfortunately there are limitations of the built-in preview controls that do not allow non-blocking updates.

            We understand this is a big issue and we will be focusing on implementing custom preview to handle these limitations.

            Since this may take some time, in the meantime you can try lowering the quality and editor map size of previews in the V-Ray preferences, or completely disabling the previews.
            Deyan Hadzhiev


            • #7
              Hello deyan.hadzhiev

              thank you for the information. I know you guys are working hard on this problem.

              Best regards


              • #8
                Thanks deyan.hadzhiev

                Lowering the quality and editor map size of previews does not help.
                Completely disabling the previews it destroys the remnants of my work flow.

                Please take care of this as the most important thing to fix.
                So far, with the engine running like this, I can't imagine working on even more complex scenes.


                • #9
                  Unfortunately this issue is going on since the very beginning of v.5 at least for Mac ..... it's more the time spent waiting than the effective work .... I'm rolling back to 3.7 for now for new projects, wasting the two v.5 subscriptions, also because the missing 3d stereo camera feature that is very important in interior presentation; hope fixing this preview issue has top priority.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by amsterdamike View Post
                    Unfortunately this issue is going on since the very beginning of v.5 at least for Mac ..... it's more the time spent waiting than the effective work .... I'm rolling back to 3.7 for now for new projects, wasting the two v.5 subscriptions, also because the missing 3d stereo camera feature that is very important in interior presentation; hope fixing this preview issue has top priority.
                    I also have the feeling that currently Vray 5 is more in pre-alpha stage rather than semi-full paid version.
                    We've been waiting so long, and there are still great shortcomings in very basic things.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by amsterdamike View Post
                      Unfortunately this issue is going on since the very beginning of v.5 at least for Mac ..... it's more the time spent waiting than the effective work .... I'm rolling back to 3.7 for now for new projects, wasting the two v.5 subscriptions, also because the missing 3d stereo camera feature that is very important in interior presentation; hope fixing this preview issue has top priority.
                      Just fyi,

                      it's not from V-Ray's camera types, but you could still add a C4D Stereo Camera and render out an image that way (see the attachment). Just make sure you activate Stereoscopic from the render settings
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Makushimu View Post

                        I also have the feeling that currently Vray 5 is more in pre-alpha stage rather than semi-full paid version.
                        We've been waiting so long, and there are still great shortcomings in very basic things.
                        What can I say... I like that from February, there are constant v5 nightlies, but still we lack BASICS.

                        Agree on the slowdowns too.


                        • #13
                          I agree on this.. and I'm loosing my hair over this issue as well....


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by deyan.hadzhiev View Post
                            Hello. We are aware of the preview rendering problems and slow downs caused by this. We have attempted to improve the implementation (...).
                            What is progress of fixing viewport preview problems? I can't work normally !


                            • #15
                              Nothing has changed. As As deyan said: its because Maxon is blocking the full insight in the Maxon C4D SDK.
                              Thats also the reason why the material preview in the Viewport looks blocky and not interpolated at all. Like Playstation 1 graphics without texture interpolation.

                              Compare it with C4D Material Previewquality and responsiveness. Also Redshift has no problems whatsoever. Reason (its Just a guess) is simple: Redshift belongs to Maxon now so the developer get full access to the sdk and the implementation is flawless.

                              Doesnt help us now with the Vray-implementation.
                              Maybe a Chaosgroup-developer finds a way to cheat the Preview by just temporarily copying the diffusematerial from Vray-Material to a Temp-C4D Material so it can be Displayed rightly in the Viewport.

                              The biggest issue is however, that what Deyan said:
                              C4D is always updating these shitty materials when copying, changing whatsoever.

                              I would give you the advice to set Material Preview off on every of those 4 Viewports. Then only when working on mapping of a material on an object: Set an Displaytag just on that object and put on "materials". So only this mat will be loaded. Also build a materialpreview where it doesnt show the texture. I did that (is very easy) it cant be updated because theres noone asking for loading the texture on that materialpreviewsphere.

                              Its sad that we C4D user have to be like masternerds to circumvent all these shitty limitations because Maxon or Chaosgroup do not care. In my opinion the problem here lies more on Maxonside.
                              Last edited by PdZ; 06-07-2021, 12:40 AM.

