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EXR Cryptomatte layers unreadable in AE?

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  • EXR Cryptomatte layers unreadable in AE?

    Hi all,
    I just wondered if anyone's had issues reading Vray5 Cryptomattes from multilayered EXRs in After Effects?
    Last edited by KernitTheFont; 16-06-2021, 02:21 AM.

  • #2
    Just tested it on my side to be sure, seems to work as expected. Can you PM me an exr with a broken Cryptomatte?

    Click image for larger version  Name:	AfterFX_b1QIBWHABm.png Views:	0 Size:	116.3 KB ID:	1116838Click image for larger version  Name:	AfterFX_PmbU3OUoSm.png Views:	0 Size:	67.4 KB ID:	1116839Click image for larger version  Name:	AfterFX_6HyuJDWz7h.png Views:	0 Size:	418.4 KB ID:	1116840


    • #3
      Sure, thanks Yunal. I must be doing something wrong. I can see the layers with EXtractoR, but when I try to use them as I have previously, I get an error: 'No Cryptomatte Layers found'.


      • #4
        Nope, you're right. They are not visible to the Crypromatte effect in ae for me either.
        Did you save the exr from c4d's save dialog or straight from vfb?


        • #5
          Saved automatically straight from the VFB (it was a frame from an animation)


          • #6
            Right. Don't know how I missed the incremental naming
            In that case, make sure to use the V-Ray Output System in the Common tab.
            You can still render out straight to PV, but the exr saved from here has all needed attributes for post production work, so that you can properly select your Cryptomatte elements.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Cinema_4D_3mQTUUP6BZ.png
Views:	1547
Size:	28.7 KB
ID:	1116856


            • #7
              Aaaaah, good tip! Thanks Yunzal! (Maybe the vray velocity pass will work now as well.)


              • #8
                KernitTheFont when outputing an exr image from the Cinema 4D image output the manifest data that is needed for the cryptomatte to work isn't written to the exr file and therefore it doesn't work. One day if Maxon add support for cryptomatte they will probably make their image output compatible for saving such exr files including the needed data.
                Ivan Shaykov


                • #9
                  Cryptomatte is working now!

                  Thanks shaio . I wonder if the fact you need the Vray Output System to export usable Cryptomattes is something that's worth putting in the Cryptomatte/Multipass docs?

                  Last edited by KernitTheFont; 24-06-2021, 02:22 PM.

