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Flickering on reflections VRAY 3.7

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  • Flickering on reflections VRAY 3.7

    Hi there,

    Sorry to bother most of the people with an old problem on an old version of Vray for C4D, but the transition takes time and I still have to use 3.7 for some (most) project..

    Basically I get flickers on my reflections, I'm pretty sure it's not due to the geometry but mostly regarding the GI settings I have.
    I'm looking for the best combination of setting, knowing I can't put them too high because of the render time. For the moment, with these settings, I get some flickers and I have to solve that problem in post.

    It's not the best solution and I'm trying to improve it since a few weeks now, I find hard to have the best combination to reduce the flickers, I've been told it's a combination of subdivisions in the light cache and retrace threshold, normally I should go higher about 3000 in subdiv and 8 on the threshold, but If I do that my render time just double... You have a printscreen of my setting just there.

    Thank you for your lights guys.


    Attached Files

  • #2
    Sirio, any ideas?


    • #3
      I’m not sure GI settings are the problem, if the flickering occur only on reflection the issue is probably somewhere else. If you upload a small sample of the video it will be easier to understand what’s going on.
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      • #4
        Here is a portion showing clearly the flickering
        It's the inside of a machine, so there is a lot of relfective elements in metal (almost only that)


        • #5
          I’m not sure what is the cause of the flickering but it doesn’t look like is GI related. Check your geometry to be 100% sure you do not have overlapping complanar faces.
          3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
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          @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


          • #6
            On the flat part really looks like a "double geo" issue and on the revolving circular part I see a triangulation issue due some "boolean" like cut.
            Can't say for sure without a scene, but it really seems like a poly issue, happy to take a look tho, if you can share it


            • #7
              Thanks guys!

              Here is few geometries of the machine, as it's from the CAD world there is a lot of triangles everywhere, but no double geometry
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Just opened the scene and ran a Mesh Check, quite a few not planar polys there. I'd either try to export it once more from the CAD software with different settings or run a Triangulate on it in c4d.
                Click image for larger version

Name:	elements.jpg
Views:	234
Size:	167.6 KB
ID:	1118890


                • #9
                  Thank you YunalZobu, this analyze help me to locate the issue. I'll check if a triangulate operation will make it.


                  • #10
                    Happy to help, share a final image/sequence when you can

