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Drifting VFB image

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  • Drifting VFB image

    I'm have this weird drifting issue in the VFB on the Mac (doesn't seem to happen on Windows). If I'm zoomed in, the image starts scrolling itself to the right and down in small increments. It happens at first any time the mouse is moved (doesn't matter where the mouse is), but will start doing it on its own if a render is in progress. Seems like I constantly have to move the part of the image I'm looking at back to the center of window. At first I thought it might be the wireless Logitech mouse I was using, but it happens with a wired mouse as well. Anybody else experiencing this?

  • #2
    FWIW, I just discovered that it only seems to happen if the VFB window is docked and the pointer is over the C4D window. Also, I was able to make it scroll to the left by closing the Layers/Stats side window.


    • #3
      Hey GMTJay ,
      this is a known issue with the VFB UI and will be fixed in our future releases. Thank you for the feedback.
      Ivan Shaykov

