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libVRayForCinema.xlib C4D GUI Crash after specific frame

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  • libVRayForCinema.xlib C4D GUI Crash after specific frame

    Seems like new addition of this large alembic file with VrayProxy is causing variety of bugs to surface.

    Seems like at certain frame, Vrayproxy has difficult time with an alembic file. After a certain frame, it explodes the geometry to the maximum. To rule out corrupt alembic data, I've merged the same file using C4D Merge option and it shows nothing out of the ordinary. I'll have to upload it so you guys can examine it. It's about 7 gigs.

    Regular C4D Alembic View
    Click image for larger version

Name:	vray-reg.jpg
Views:	351
Size:	568.7 KB
ID:	1120940

    V-Ray Proxy View
    Click image for larger version

Name:	vray-proxy.jpg
Views:	406
Size:	177.9 KB
ID:	1120939

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Here's the alembic file. Frame 95ish is when it goes nuts.


    • #3
      Hello imdb,

      As currently, I don't have permission to see the file I have requested access to it. Please grant me access so I can have a look. Thank you.
      Aleksandar Kasabov


      • #4
        Originally posted by aleksandar.kasabov View Post
        Hello imdb,

        As currently, I don't have permission to see the file I have requested access to it. Please grant me access so I can have a look. Thank you.
        Oops, try now pls.


        • #5
          Hello imdb,

          Thank you for providing the file.

          Upon testing, we managed to reproduce the crash and this was reported to our developers (bug ID: VC4D-1037). I will let you know once we have more information.
          Aleksandar Kasabov

