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Node Editor limitations

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  • Node Editor limitations


    I'm currently evaluating V-Ray again and especially the node editor support. It's seems promising but it still lacks few key features in my opinion.
    • I can't override Material Tag level mapping
    • I can't set a specific UVW projection or UV Set per bitmap ( like with Map Channel in 3dsMax )
    • I can't share a specific UVW projection between multiple bitmaps
    • I can't transform UVW coordinates, which would be useful for specific bitmap projection, but more importantly for transforming UVW coordinates of a specific set of bitmaps while retaining Material Tag projection settings.
    • Triplanar still requires the bitmap as an input whereas it should be the other way around : Triplanar with an output in a UVW input in the bitmap node. Thus the projection could be shared among several bitmap nodes.

    The most obvious use case is to have the ability to mount PBR materials made up of bitmaps sharing the same projection but not being limited to it's mapping for layering dirt / decals textures.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	vrayc4d_node_editor.jpg
Views:	291
Size:	189.7 KB
ID:	1125252

    Furthermore, there is a strong lag when connecting and disconnecting nodes, about half a second, which is a bit annoying during lookdev. In CPU and GPU mode, even when IR is not running.

    Also solo isn't supported, which would not be a big deal if there wasn't the aforementioned lag happening everytime a map is plugged in diffuse channel to check the look.

    I guess you are aware of these limitations and are working to improve the plugin, but I wanted to make sure you were aware of it
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hello @john_do,

    I apologize for the delayed response.

    • I can't override Material Tag level mapping
    • I can't set a specific UVW projection or UV Set per bitmap ( like with Map Channel in 3dsMax )
    • I can't share a specific UVW projection between multiple bitmaps
    • I can't transform UVW coordinates, which would be useful for specific bitmap projection, but more importantly for transforming UVW coordinates of a specific set of bitmaps while retaining Material Tag projection settings.
    Thank you for your feedback. We are planning to address those features in future updates of V-Ray for Cinema4D.

    • Triplanar still requires the bitmap as an input whereas it should be the other way around : Triplanar with an output in a UVW input in the bitmap node. Thus the projection could be shared among several bitmap nodes.
    We won’t be adding changes to the workflow of the triplanar node as it has some options, such as blending, that can’t work on a UVW mapping level.

    Furthermore, there is a strong lag when connecting and disconnecting nodes, about half a second, which is a bit annoying during lookdev. In CPU and GPU mode, even when IR is not running.
    We are working on fixing the issues with the lag and those improvements should be available soon.

    Also solo isn't supported, which would not be a big deal if there wasn't the aforementioned lag happening everytime a map is plugged in diffuse channel to check the look.
    It is also on our to-do list to add support for the “Solo” mode in the node editor. I will let you know once we have updates on the matter.
    Aleksandar Kasabov


    • #3
      Hello John_Do,

      As you might have already seen in the Announcements section, we just released V-Ray 6 for Cinema4D, Update 2. With it, we introduced many new features and improvements, along with numerous bug fixes. One of the improvements that we added is the support for the "Solo" mode in the Node editor.

      You can download the latest builds from here. I hope you will enjoy the new features!​
      Aleksandar Kasabov

