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Textures are not loaded when changing materials

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  • Textures are not loaded when changing materials


    I found a weird behavior in terms of switching materials at a keyframe. Textures files are not loaded when i render the animation in VFB.
    I´m working with the latest Versions of C4D R25.015 and Vray Update 1.4. Is this a known problem? Does anyone has an idea of getting it to work?
    Need some help because it's essential for continue working on my projects...

    Example files:
    c4d-vray-mat-color.c4d - switching materials without textures work
    c4d-vray-mat-texture.c4d - first texture are loaded. 2nd and 3nd appears black
    c4d-vray bitmap-mat-texture.c4d - first texture are loaded. 2nd and 3nd appears white

    Thank you in advance
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hello christian_tremmel,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

    Upon testing it I also managed to reproduce the issue and I reported it to our developers for fixing (bug ID: VC4D-1160). I will update this thread as soon as I have some information to share.

    I noticed that this only happens with V-Ray but it doesn't happen with V-Ray GPU. You can also keyframe and switch the texture instead of the whole material and it will render correctly as well.
    Aleksandar Kasabov


    • #3
      Hello aleksandar.kasabov ,

      Thank you for your quick reply and open up a ticket.
      I took your idea of keyframing and switching the textures by python tag and wrote a short test script.

      it works in principle but for some reason sometimes skips the second texture and if all textures are rendered correctly crash Vray after rendering the last frame. I am a little frustrated. Maybe you can look over again. To set all keyframes by hand it´s in my case not possible. I have no experiance with render by GPU. I guess my settings are wrong because it´s super slow und super instable.

      Thank you in advance, Christian
      Attached Files


      • #4
        After testing over and over I got an error message. Maybe helpful:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Vray error message.JPG
Views:	363
Size:	115.1 KB
ID:	1130572
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Hello christian_tremmel,

          Are you experience the crash while rendering the c4d-vray-mat-texture-python.c4d scene? Are you using the default V-Ray GPU settings? Also, please specify what are your GPU model and GPU driver that you have installed? Thank you.
          Aleksandar Kasabov


          • #6
            Hello aleksandar.kasabov,

            thanks for your quick reply. Yes, of course I went into this crash while rendering the c4d-vray-mat-texture-python.c4d scene.
            Especially at this crash I used the default CPU settings. But the last days I switched to GPU rendering because works best in my case.
            I use the default settings with Buckets - Cuda Engine. (Cryptomatte are supported)

            >>>>What's interesting, first time rendering of the scene everything work perfect, but unfortunately second time crash Vray after finishing rendering without error message.


            AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX 32-Core
            Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti - Driver Version Nvidia
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Dear christian_tremmel,

              Thank you for providing those details.

              Upon testing on my end I managed to reproduce the crash and I also reported it to our developers (ID: VC4D-1171). I will let you know once I have any updates on the matter.
              Aleksandar Kasabov


              • #8
                Hello aleksandar.kasabov

                thank you for backing me up in this matter.
                I´m looking forward to your reply.

                ​​​​​​​cheers Christian

