I'm from China. My English is not very good. Excuse me, I found that fast 3S in node mode has no effect. No matter how I adjust the parameters, it has no effect of 3S(我来自中国我英语不是很好,打扰了我发现节点模式下的快速3s没有效果,不管我怎么调节参数都没有3 s的效果)

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Hey, why is fast SSS in node mode ineffective(嗨为何节点模式下的快速sss没有效果)
Hello qingyuan_pang,
Are you rendering with V-Ray or V-Ray GPU? Also, please specify the exact versions of V-Ray, Cinema4D and OS that you are using.
Please note that the FastSSS2 material is only partially supported when rendering with V-Ray GPU and raytraced (solid) and raytraced (refractive) are not supported. You can check the supported features on V-Ray GPU here. It would also be helpful if you can send us the scene in question so we can have a look. Thank you.Aleksandar Kasabov