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X particle system does not work in V-ray 5

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  • X particle system does not work in V-ray 5

    Hi everyone,

    We are trying to do our animation projects, which we have done in V-ray 3,7(R21) before, in V-ray 5, but V-ray 5 does not read properly Insydium X-particle system data.

    When I try the same animation with different rendering engines, it works without any problems. When I try the same animation on R21 V-ray 3.7 again, it works without any problems.

    In addition, when I render as a single frame, the render is correct. but the process does not work correctly when I render all frame

    Gifs showing the situation are attached. We have no idea about solving the problem in the office.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by ayhan_tunali; 08-12-2021, 01:54 AM.

  • #2
    Hello ayhan_tunali

    I am sorry to notify you that V-Ray 5 for Cinema 4D doesn’t have support for X-Particles at the moment, as V-Ray has been rewritten from scratch by Chaos. Currently, adding support for X-Particles isn’t on the roadmap, but it is excluded that support could be developed in the future.
    Last edited by valentin_leondiev; 13-12-2021, 08:59 AM.
    Valentin Leondiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      V-Ray and Insydium X-Particles

      I did the last update of V-Ray with great hope. However, I then noticed that Insydium's particle animation is again not rendered.

      I just think it's a pity that we have the latest versions of C4D and V-Ray and still have to fall back on the old version C4D R21 and V-Ray 3.7.

      For a while we had hopes that Phoenix would come to C4D soon - again we are very disappointed.

      We buy the latest versions but use the old versions.

      Maybe you have new information for me...​


      • #4
        Originally posted by ayhan_tunali View Post
        V-Ray and Insydium X-Particles

        I did the last update of V-Ray with great hope. However, I then noticed that Insydium's particle animation is again not rendered.

        I just think it's a pity that we have the latest versions of C4D and V-Ray and still have to fall back on the old version C4D R21 and V-Ray 3.7.

        For a while we had hopes that Phoenix would come to C4D soon - again we are very disappointed.

        We buy the latest versions but use the old versions.

        Maybe you have new information for me...​
        Have you tried version 6?

        Support for rendering Particles and X-Particles in Cinema 4D
        We've added support for rendering particles. This feature is still a WIP and the UI will be fully overhauled to make it easy to use. Currently we can only render thinking particles and X-Particle emitters. The standard simple Cinema 4D emitter is a WIP. For advanced particle shading, the ParticleSamplerTex shader should be used to map different particle channels like age, speed, etc​”
        3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
        NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
        @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


        • #5
          No, it´s Beta... I´m going to start it...


          • #6
            It doesn't work with V-Ray 6 either! V-Ray Particles is not a solution - if we add different attributes like merging, turbulence etc. to the particles.
            In the viewport, for example, I can go to frame 20 and then render - then V-Ray renders exactly this area, but if I let all frames be rendered, the particles stick to the emitter and don't move, although new particles are generated.


            • #7
              Hey ayhan_tunali

              Today we've released V-Ray 6, and we have some changes to the V-Ray particles.
              Can you please try again what you're trying to create and if it doesn't work can you please share a scene or an example of what you're trying to do with V-Ray 6, there might be an issue that we're not aware of? We've been rendering some animations here, and we didn't experience any particles being stuck at the emitter. Also, what particles you're using - the Cinema 4D standard emitters, Thinking particles or maybe X-Particles? And lastly V-Ray Particles have two rendering, types one for Phoenix particles and one for V-Ray particles, which one you're using?
              Ivan Shaykov


              • #8

                As particle-system we use X-Particles from Insydium. In this particle-system we have many possibilities to display the particles, e.g.. we connect particles with each other in liquids or we use different sizes or even let the particles move with waves.
                It does not help us if we can only render particles created with emitter with V-Ray. With the new particle generator from V-Ray we can integrate only the emitter and it works! Enclosed i send two small animations. One is with and the other without V-Ray Particles.

                With the old V-Ray version 3.7 everything works very well.

                Here again details:
                If i render one frame after the other in the editor window, the balls move, even if i don't use a V-Ray Particle!​ For animations that take a long time, I can't move and render the images individually. As soon as I go to render "All Frames" in C4D, the balls stick to the emitter.

                Enclosed I also send the scene.

                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Thank you for the scene, It's much appreciated. I see that you use the xpGenerator for generating custom geometry from particles and this is not related to V-Ray Particles (they don't even exist in the scene). The issue here is that V-Ray is not rendering correctly the instances generated by the xpGenerator. I'll forward this to the devs for fixing it and will update you as soon as I have more new information. During that time, if you have anything else that isn't working in your setup, please let me know.
                  Last edited by shaio; 29-09-2022, 03:43 AM.
                  Ivan Shaykov


                  • #10
                    Once this is fixed, we can finally start using the new versions of C4D and V-Ray. That would be great. Otherwise, we have no further questions. Thank you very much.


                    • #11
                      Hello ayhan_tunali the issue with X-Particles has been fixed. You can download the latest V-Ray version from our Stable builds folder and give it a go. Let me know if this works on your end.
                      Ivan Shaykov

