Hi there
We're currently experiencing a weird error on all our render nodes while trying to use DR.
"Warning: MtlUVWSelect requires at least one UVW Gen instance and one String ID. Material XYZ .... uvwgen count: 0 string ID: 0
The error results in black buckets output when the nodes start rendering.
All scenes we're currently handling for a larger volume of assets were produced without errors before.
We're now working on revision of the projects and this error occured after moving the projects back to the
local drives of our workstations.
All materials are correctly linked and everything was placed in the correct path of origin.
Cinema R25 and V-Ray 5 and all Nodes are running the latest updates.
If someone has encountered this issue before, we'd really appreciate your input
Best Regards

We're currently experiencing a weird error on all our render nodes while trying to use DR.
"Warning: MtlUVWSelect requires at least one UVW Gen instance and one String ID. Material XYZ .... uvwgen count: 0 string ID: 0
The error results in black buckets output when the nodes start rendering.
All scenes we're currently handling for a larger volume of assets were produced without errors before.
We're now working on revision of the projects and this error occured after moving the projects back to the
local drives of our workstations.
All materials are correctly linked and everything was placed in the correct path of origin.
Cinema R25 and V-Ray 5 and all Nodes are running the latest updates.
If someone has encountered this issue before, we'd really appreciate your input
Best Regards