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Enable button of a light doesn't work with a cloner

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  • Enable button of a light doesn't work with a cloner

    first of all, great that you can use now lights with a cloner and multi instances!
    Not a problem, just a hint. The light stays enabled when unchecking the enable box of a light.
    But, just with a cloner and multi instances...

  • #2
    Hello haniel1107

    I was unable to replicate the behavior you are describing.

    Can you please share an example scene where the issue is present, and provide me with the exact V-Ray and Cinema 4D version you are using, and your OS?

    You can find the V-Ray version at V-Ray > Help > About > right-click the text and select the copy text option and paste it here.
    Valentin Leondiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hi valentin_leondiev , I am using R25 and the latest nightly of Vray.
      Attached a file and screenshots... Thanks

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2021-12-29 16.37.52 copy.jpg
Views:	380
Size:	920.6 KB
ID:	1135372Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2021-12-29 16.37.53 copy.jpg
Views:	363
Size:	926.9 KB
ID:	1135373
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Hello haniel1107

        Thank you for the scene. I have logged the issue into our internal bug tracking system. (bug number: VC4D-1212) I will notify you when the issue has been resolved and a build with the fix is available for download.
        Valentin Leondiev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us

