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C4D R20 + VRay 5, Interactive Render Crash

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  • C4D R20 + VRay 5, Interactive Render Crash

    Hello everyone

    I have been working with Cinema 4D R17 and Vray 3.4 so far. Not a beginner, but not the absolute pro either.

    This week I bought a new license for Cinema 4D R20 and V-Ray 5. The installation, update and licensing server worked fine.

    The problem is that the "Interacrive Render" - which is why I did the update in the first place - won't even launch. Immediately after the click, an error message from Cinema 4D appears, including a crash.

    The BugReport.txt is attached.
    I am grateful for any help.

    Kind regards

    My system:

    Cinema 4D R20.0590 (Build RB272827).
    V-Ray 5 for Cinema 4D, Update 2 (v5.20.00 from Dec 7 2021)

    Mac OS X Catalina, 10.14.7
    iMac Retina 5K, 3.6 GHz 10-Core Intel Core i9
    32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
    AMD Radeon Pro 5500 XT 8 GB
    Attached Files

  • #2
    It happens on every scene?
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    NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
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    • #3
      Yep, unfortunately.


      • #4
        Is the VFB showing up? I mean even when you you are not rendering
        3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
        NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
        @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


        • #5
          The Frame Buffer isn't showing up either. Same error message, same crash.


          • #6
            Are you using a second monitor?
            3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
            NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
            @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


            • #7
              Hi kadir_asani, apart from the crash when you initiate interactive rendering (or production in VFB), does any other use of V-Ray cause a crash (production rendering in PV or Viewport) or creating and modifying materials?
              Apart from that - is you R20 installations clean - did you have any other plugin installed previously? Could you try renaming your R20 preferences directory (or deleting it) and trying if the issue is reproducible?
              And last but not least - have you tried if there is a crash with newer versions of C4D - R20 is using a bit older UI frameworks and there are some problems with the V-Ray VFB we can not solve easily.
              Deyan Hadzhiev


              • #8
                sirio76 No, I am not using any second monitor.

                Thank you for your effort and advices! I appreciate.

                "Does any other use of V-Ray cause a crash"
                ā€” The Production Rendering as well as the Interactive Render are crashing.
                Starting the V-Ray Render like I used to with the older V-Ray-Versions works fine though. (see picture 1 & 2 in the attachement)

                "Is you R20 installations clean - did you have any other plugin installed previously?"
                ā€” The installation is clean. I've updated V-Ray 5 (as Aleksandar wrote) and C4D R20 as well now.
                But as soon as I start the production render or the interactive render the same error message is still appearing (see picture 3).

                "Could you try renaming your R20 preferences directory (or deleting it) and trying if the issue is reproducible?"
                ā€” Instructions unclear.

                "Have you tried if there is a crash with newer versions of C4D - R20 is using a bit older UI frameworks and there are some problems with the V-Ray VFB we can not solve easily."
                ā€“ Do you mean purchasing a newer C4D?
                Edit: I am just installing a demo version of the C4DR25. Let's see if that works.
                Edit: Alright, everything works fine with R25! So the problem must be C4DR20 then.
                Even if I like R25 very much, I think there must be an other solution than spending another thousands of bucks.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by kadir_asani; 07-01-2022, 03:58 AM.


                • #9

                  "Could you try renaming your R20 preferences directory (or deleting it) and trying if the issue is reproducible?"
                  ā€” Instructions unclear.
                  The preferences directory is where all your preferences are stored and may sometimes lead to problems if there is corrupted data there. Clearing your preferences (or renaming the directory) makes C4D create them anew - see the attached image on how to find your preferences directory.

                  "Have you tried if there is a crash with newer versions of C4D - R20 is using a bit older UI frameworks and there are some problems with the V-Ray VFB we can not solve easily."
                  ā€“ Do you mean purchasing a newer C4D?
                  I'm asking you to try only if you have a newer version of C4D already available.

                  Apart from the above preferences renaming, could you try to change your V-Ray preferences to log Qt errors, start Cinema 4D from a terminal and reproduce the crash. To log the Qt errors, you should check the preference option shown below and also it might be good to change the verbosity of the overall log to "All":
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	preferences_r20.png
Views:	435
Size:	36.1 KB
ID:	1135984

                  (Note that if you rename/delete your preferences, you will need to make the step above again, because the Qt output is disabled by default)
                  Deyan Hadzhiev


                  • #10
                    I forgot to add something - could you also try running this in a terminal and share what its execution outputs (this command checks what is your current limit for open file handles by a process):
                    launchctl limit maxfiles
                    Deyan Hadzhiev


                    • #11
                      Dear Deyan

                      I've cleared the "MAXON" folder in my preference folder so C4D can create a new one.
                      Then I changed the preferences in C4D/V-Ray as you said.
                      Startet C4D R20 from Terminal as well.

                      Now I got a lot of error messages in a row. (See pdf attached)
                      Every new klick now is producing the error message saying there is a problem on line 31 in /Maxon/Cinema 4d r20/ressource/modules/c4dplugin/description/ddoc.res'
                      The strange thing is: this "ddoc.res" is not existing thereā€¦

                      By the way: When I run launch ctl limit maxfiles in the terminal, nothing happens.

                      Kind regards
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        The launchctl command has to be run separately (in a separate terminal) from Cinema 4D and exactly
                        launchctl limit maxfiles
                        About the preferences - you need to clear the whole directory - everything inside the preferences folder or simply delete or rename the directory itself.
                        Deyan Hadzhiev


                        • #13
                          Alright. The whole preferences folder is clear.
                          Then I started C4D, did the preferences for the error output.
                          Startet it again inside the terminal.
                          The command btw says:
                          "maxfiles 256 unlimited"
                          The newest bugreport is in the attachement.
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by kadir_asani; 07-01-2022, 05:53 AM.


                          • #14
                            Was there any error messages in the terminal when C4D crashed?

                            Additionally - the maximum limit of file handles is low, and this may be one cause for the crashes. Can you try running this to set you limit higher (this will only change the limit for the current session - once you restart your machine the limit will be reset to its default):
                            sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 16000 2000000
                            And then trying to run C4D again.
                            Deyan Hadzhiev


                            • #15
                              Edit: The code to change the limit does not work btw. The terminal asks for a password. And even if I type the password, it says:

                              <user> is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

                              Maybe because I am not the administrator on this iMac. (I know the admin passwort, but all our employees have another account besides the admin account on each computer)
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by kadir_asani; 07-01-2022, 08:26 AM.

