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V-ray Clipper reducing polygons problem

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  • V-ray Clipper reducing polygons problem

    The Clipper has started doing this ugly polygon reduction. I can't recall it ever doing this before. Any idea what's going on?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	ClipperProblem1.jpg
Views:	395
Size:	78.4 KB
ID:	1137980
    Click image for larger version

Name:	ClipperProblem2.jpg
Views:	332
Size:	156.6 KB
ID:	1137981

  • #2
    Hello GMTJay,

    Would you mind sharing a simple test scene with us so we can have a look? Upon testing on my end I got the same results with the V-Ray Clipper and the Boole. You can check my results here.

    Also, please let me know what are the exact versions of V-Ray and Cinema4D that you have installed. Thanks.
    Aleksandar Kasabov


    • #3
      from the wires it looks like you use some lower res objects for the clipper, maybe due some LOD settings in c4d?

      in case check if you have "use render LOD for editor" maybe, if not this might reduce LOD settings for editor(and maybe ipr etc),
      try using polygon objects(convert procedural to plain polygons) if that changes any (might then be a bug in that case)


      • #4

        Thanks for the reply. I thought of LOD as well, but it's set to High Quality and "Use render LOD for editor" is checked. The geo is polygons, and I optimized it to make sure it was a single object (in case the caps weren't attached). It's certainly possible that I have something wrong somewhere, but the Clipper has never been that picky in my past experience with it:
        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2022-01-29 at 3.50.08 PM.png
Views:	315
Size:	737.5 KB
ID:	1138267


        • #5
          You can see the mesh change when the clipper is off vs when it's on:
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2022-01-29 at 3.58.21 PM.png
Views:	310
Size:	244.7 KB
ID:	1138269Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2022-01-29 at 3.58.33 PM.png
Views:	296
Size:	334.6 KB
ID:	1138270


          • #6
            Originally posted by aleksandar.kasabov View Post
            Hello GMTJay,

            Would you mind sharing a simple test scene with us so we can have a look? Upon testing on my end I got the same results with the V-Ray Clipper and the Boole. You can check my results here.

            Also, please let me know what are the exact versions of V-Ray and Cinema4D that you have installed. Thanks.
            Here's the file. I'm currently running C4D r25.113 with V-ray 5 Update 2 (v5.20.00) on MacOS 11.6.2 on a MacBook Pro (16 inch, 2019, 2.4GHz 8 core i9, 64 GB, 8GB of graphics memory)
            Attached Files


            • #7
              you are right, the clipper does a kind of poly reduction on that object, very weird. i also see no reason why.

              i think the support guys from Chaos need to look at that.


              • #8
                GMTJay yeah, your scene definitely renders strangely.
                I tried to replicate it and simply made a new one and got your custom obj for the Clipper as well.
                Everything renders as expected, have you tried to copy and/or replicate your setup in a new scene, it seem likely that this is a c4d document issue.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Cinema_4D_EFh6iF7MTY.png
Views:	377
Size:	588.2 KB
ID:	1138343Click image for larger version

Name:	forum-13-clipper-geo.jpg
Views:	358
Size:	47.1 KB
ID:	1138344


                • #9
                  Hello GMTJay,

                  It looks like the issue is caused by the scale of your objects. As the objects are quite small, some of the vertices are welded. I have reported this to our developers (bug ID: VC4D-1244) and I will let you know once we have more information.

                  Scaling the objects up fixes the issue. Thanks.
                  Aleksandar Kasabov


                  • #10
                    GMTJay until a fix is available I would suggest the following workaround (for small scale scenes that is):
                    1. Scale up your clipper so you don't have any poly reduction visible
                    2. Scale it down using the Scale in its Coord. tab (or simply switch to Object mode and use the regular scaling tool)
                    Here are previews with those two steps and your scene.
                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Cinema_4D_3bmLIFLE9J.png Views:	0 Size:	336.1 KB ID:	1138494 Click image for larger version

Name:	image_69902.jpg
Views:	353
Size:	52.6 KB
ID:	1138493


                    • #11
                      Hello GMTJay,

                      Our developers have fixed this issue and the fix is available in the latest stable build. You can download and install it from here.

                      Aleksandar Kasabov


                      • #12
                        Just tested it, works great! Thanks!

