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Cryptomatte doesnt use AA?

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  • Cryptomatte doesnt use AA?

    Does Cryptomatte support AA?
    In the Viewport it doesnt seems so. Also after importing into photoshop, the edges are still pixelated.
    Is this a known issue or is there a specific workflow I am missing?

  • #2
    Pretty sure cryptomatte only works in After Effects/Nuke etc, unless you have the EXR-IO plugin for Photoshop. Only available for windows though.


    • #3
      also the "color render ID" has no AA... this would be a very useful render element with AA
      i know "color material ID" has AA, but you have to set manualy a color for each material
      and the old "vray Random MtlID Color"-button (vray 3) doesn't seem to exist in vray 5.

      A picture like in the attachment ist what most people need in postproduction and in vray 5 its not easy to get this with AA.

      please "a color render ID" with AA or bring back the old "vray Random MtlID Color"-button
      Attached Files


      • #4
        a workaround i found out is the "extra tex"-render element with a "vraymultisubtex" in the color slot.
        this gives a color render ID with smooth borders (AA)
        Attached Files
        Last edited by tomschmid; 28-02-2022, 05:20 AM.


        • #5
          The thing is that a Cryptomatte is an entirely different thing compared to a regular mask approach.
          Cryptomattes will, for instance, properly deal with blur, which a regular matte cannot ever do.
          As noted above, simply either use Nuke/AE etc., or the PS plugin in the post above to get its functionality
          Or of course you can use the bitmap version (which is just there for reference), if you want an approximate mask....I guess that can work ok in some
          situations but just seems like more work to me


          • #6
            so what I see in the picture viewer isnt the real deal? In AF oder PS (with the plugin) the cryptomatte has AA and works?
            Otherwise, thanks for the input and workarounds.


            • #7
              What is in the vfb is just a proxy representation of the actual output, which contains data in such a way that it is not directly viewable.
              When used in e.g. AE, then the data is accessed by the plugin and allows sub-pixel selection of any object from the cryptomatte, hence its
              ability to calculate for motion blur etc.
              Just try it's free


              • #8
                Originally posted by tomschmid View Post
                a workaround i found out is the "extra tex"-render element with a "vraymultisubtex" in the color slot.
                this gives a color render ID with smooth borders (AA)
                great idea tomschmid i've being doing that but on each material ID slot... this is much more effective


                • #9
                  Originally posted by tomschmid View Post
                  and the old "vray Random MtlID Color"-button (vray 3) doesn't seem to exist in vray 5.

                  A picture like in the attachment ist what most people need in postproduction and in vray 5 its not easy to get this with AA.

                  please "a color render ID" with AA or bring back the old "vray Random MtlID Color"-button
                  +1 on this
                  the random mtlID color script was really useful!

                  EDIT: Mainly the "color render ID with AA" part
                  Last edited by akos_kiss; 23-03-2022, 06:23 AM.


                  • #10
                    That would work fine for some things but why not just use the crypto masks?
                    The plugins are free for whatever you're using to composite and with the Photoshop version it even will split out all the masks for you.
                    It works with blur, which is impossible with only a colour mask.

                    Maybe there is something specific to a workflow that I'm missing, but I really can't see a downside to it


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by akos_kiss View Post

                      +1 on this
                      the random mtlID color script was really useful!
                      Hi there,

                      Adding an option for creating a random material ID color has already been requested here. It has been added as a request in our internal system (request ID: VC4D-831) and I will let you know once it is implemented.
                      Aleksandar Kasabov


                      • #12
                        Hello all,

                        Until we implement the random material ID color, there is a workaround that can be used. You can add V-Ray MultiSubTex in the texture slot of the material ID to randomize the color of the material ID. You will however need to do that for each material manually. Once we have updates on the random color material ID request I will let you know.
                        Aleksandar Kasabov


                        • #13
                          Hi Aleksandar. thanks for your solution and that was what we do now. but Tom's idea is much better and we can do that just once... in render elements a extra texture and then a V-ray Multisubtex
                          thanks anyway


                          • #14
                            To the question, why not using cryptomasks. In my projects i have 100+ materials. Cryptomask will make 1 layer for each material so the file is huge and for simple corrections a simple „material id“ layer would do the job just fine (with AA of corse). Every render-engine has this. This should be the top priority to include in the next build. My workaround is ok but it gives every object a color and not every material. The other workaround is also not very nice because you have to edit every material..
                            Last edited by tomschmid; 07-04-2022, 12:33 PM.

