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  • Denoiser

    Hi i use Vray 5 for c4d and i enable the denoiser but when i open my registered image my image is not denoised..i have to go to the VFX and click save current channel to register correctly my image..
    I don t understand why if i choose a path for registering my pics in the rendering's preferences all of them are not denoised but if i registered manually in the vfx with save current channel when the render is finished it s ok ?????
    same thing if i want to do an animation with enabling denoiser in mp4 for example when i open the final result isn t denoising !!

  • #2
    Hey, Thierry,

    Thank you for the post. I think the best approach to dealing with denoiser is to use an external tool and save the file as vrimg or exr file and the setup is easy to complete. Pros -> You have control over the post-processing of denoiser (with V-Ray you get V-Ray, Nvidia, and Intel denoiser as well all are implemented). If you need more information please let me know. To answer your question: Check for an additional denoiser file.

    Boyan Nalchadjiiski | QA Engineer @ Chaos |


    • #3
      Hello thierry_sampol,

      Are you using the native C4D Save system to save your output? If that is the case, please enable the Multi-Pass and add Post effects in the render settings. Then set your Multi-Pass output in the Save system as shown here. Alternatively, you can use the V-Ray Output System, which will include the denoised result in your output. Simply go to the V-Ray settings> Common tab and enable the V-Ray Output System. Then set the file output and file format and render your image. Please check this screenshot. You can find more information about the V-Ray Output System here.

      Please let me know if you need further assistance.
      Aleksandar Kasabov

