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Black rendering image

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  • Black rendering image

    I’m wondering if anyone is having the same issue!
    I’m working on a heavy interior scene, it starts rendering as usual, then the rendering image becomes black after 20%/30% of ligh-cache pass; the rendering proceeds for a little while then it stops also black.
    I tried the scene in another Mac with same setup (c4d 25 and v-ray 5 update 2.3), same story, black rendering.
    I tried the scene with same setup (c4d 25 and v-ray 5 update2.3) on a pc, it works fine.
    I tried the scene with a different setup on Mac, c4d 24 and v-ray 5 update 2.0 x64, it works fine.
    I don’t get any error message.
    Any idea what may be wrong?

  • #2
    Hello amsterdamike,

    Could you please share the scene in question with me so I can try to reproduce the issue on my end and see what is causing it? Please make sure to send the scene with all assets for it (File> Save Project with Assets). You can send it to me via DM. Thank you!
    Aleksandar Kasabov


    • #3
      Hello amsterdamike,

      Upon checking your scene (I reproduced the issue both on a Windows machine and on a mac) and it seems like the issue is caused by the lights and their values. Currently, the lights are set to Lumens and their values are quite low. Try resetting the units and the values of the lights in the scene and let me know if that resolves the issue. Thank you.
      Aleksandar Kasabov


      • #4
        Hello Aleksandar, tHank you for the quick feedback. I actually checked the scene and the lights are in lumens between 600 and 2000 that should be fine; I removed the few lights with strange values and I still get black render.
        In the meantime I have discovered something weird: even do "enable caustics" is off, if I keep reflective and refractive caustics checked I get the black render, however, if I uncheck reflective and refractive caustics I get the right outcome!
        At least I can proceed as I don't need caustics with this project, anyway I'm curious to know the reason of this strange behaviour! Thanks!


        • #5
          Hello again, unfortunately I got the same issue with other projects as well, they were ok before, the issue arises since the latest universal-only updates, initially more random, now more frequently; this time unchecking caustics didn't help. The only way to render is to set brute force in GI Engine, something is wrong with light cache I guess. Is there any issue using brute force?

          Thanks you!


          • #6
            Hello amsterdamike,

            I regret to hear that you keep experiencing this issue with other scenes. I will keep investigating the scene you already sent me, but it would also be helpful if you can share if there is anything specific in your other scenes. Can you reproduce the issue on a simple test scene? Thank you.
            Aleksandar Kasabov

