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missing textures on standalone render .vrscene

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  • missing textures on standalone render .vrscene

    I Have an issue with every .vrscene

    When I create a vrscene file and want to render it with the vray-standalone the scene is nearly black. All the textures are missing.

    What am i doing wrong?

    I take the commant-line: vray -sceneFile="C:\Users\User\Google Drive\Kunden\Preuss\22-67_DeWiBack\DeWi-Back2022\dewi.vrscene" -imgFile="C:\Users\User\Desktop\LÖSCHEN\testrenderi ng.jpg"​

  • #2
    Hello tim_hansen,

    Are you rendering the vrscene on the same machine or are you sending it to another machine for rendering? Do you get any error messages in the console? If yes, please send us a screenshot. Thank you.
    Aleksandar Kasabov


    • #3
      No, no error messages.

      No, i Render it on an other PC.
      But I use google drive so the data-structure ist the same


      • #4
        Hello tim_hansen,

        Do you have your Google Drive mapped to the same drive letter on both machines?
        Aleksandar Kasabov


        • #5
          no. But when I render scenes by hand everything works


          • #6

            Or how can i tell vray the new path.
            Do I need a command-line?

            When I transmit it to ChaosCloud it shows up:
            "failed to open file C:\Users\User\Google Drive\Kunden\Preuss\22-69_HanseWindkraft\Hanse-Windkraft_2022\Users\timwillihansen\Google Drive\Kunden\Preuss\22-69_HanseWindkraft\Hanse-Windkraft_2022\tex\studio box hdri.hdr: open C:\Users\User\Google Drive\Kunden\Preuss\22-69_HanseWindkraft\Hanse-Windkraft_2022\Users\timwillihansen\Google Drive\Kunden\Preuss\22-69_HanseWindkraft\Hanse-Windkraft_2022\tex\studio box hdri.hdr: Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden."


            • #7
              Hello tim_hansen,

              You can remap the paths in the command line using the
              command. It specifies path remapping pair. More than one -remapPath option can be specified. Alternatively, you can create a .xml file that contains remapping data. You can find more information about the command line options here.

              As per the error that you receive in the Chaos Cloud, please make sure that the path to the files is correct.
              Aleksandar Kasabov


              • #8
                remapPath="fromPath=toPath{;C:\Users\Admin\wrongTe xturePath=C:\Users\Admin\newTexturePath\}"

                but here is the first problem. It shows me "Der Befehl "remapPath" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
                konnte nicht gefunden werden.​"

                C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\Standalone for x64\bin> vray -sceneFile="C:\Users\Admin\Google Drive\Kunden\Preuss\22-67_DeWiBack\DeWi-Back2022\DeWiBack20221018.vrscene" -imgFile="C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\testrender\testr ender_.jpg"


                • #9
                  Hello tim_hansen,

                  The commands should be something like the following:
                  C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\Standalone for x64\bin>vray.exe -sceneFile="C:\Users\Admin\Google Drive\Kunden\Preuss\22-67_DeWiBack\DeWi-Back2022\DeWiBack20221018.vrscene" -imgFile="C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\testrender\testr ender_.jpg" -remapPath="C:\Users\Admin\wrongTexturePath"​="C:\Users\Admin\newTexturePath"
                  Please let me know if that helps.
                  Aleksandar Kasabov


                  • #10
                    Seems like there are a thousands of other errors that accour. C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\Standalone for x64\bin>vray -sceneFile="C:\Users\Admin\Google Drive\Kunden\Preuss\22-67_DeWiBack\DeWi-Back2022\DeWiBack20221018.vrscene" -imgFile="C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\testrender\testr ender_.jpg" -imgFile="C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\testrender\testr ender_.jpg" -remapPath=" C:\Users\User\Google Drive\Kunden\Preuss\22-69_HanseWindkraft\Hanse-Windkraft_2022\Users\timwillihansen\Google Drive\Kunden\Preuss\22-69_HanseWindkraft\Hanse-Windkraft_2022\tex"​="C:\Users\Admin\Google Drive\Kunden\Preuss\22-67_DeWiBack\DeWi-Back2022\tex"
                    [2022/Oct/27|11:05:45] [15 MB] error: Error parsing command line.
                    [2022/Oct/27|11:05:45] [15 MB] error: Use -help to see all the possible arguments.
                    [2022/Oct/27|11:05:45] Max memory usage: 15 MB
                    [2022/Oct/27|11:05:45] Issues Report:
                    [2022/Oct/27|11:05:45] Errors:
                    [2022/Oct/27|11:05:45] Error parsing command line.
                    [2022/Oct/27|11:05:45] Use -help to see all the possible arguments.

                    C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\Standalone for x64\bin>​

                    I think I will close thsi issue. This seems not warok for me. May be its better to use the Distribted render instead

                    Also also at this point I have problems. Even if I am in the same network the "renderserver" only says "ready for render...." but after starting from an other pc, nothing happens


                    • #11
                      Hello tim_hansen,

                      Would you mind opening a support ticket via our contact form so we can assist you further with those issues? Please make sure to add a link to this thread in the body of the ticket. Thank you.
                      Aleksandar Kasabov


                      • #12
                        cool. thank you


                        • #13

                          Is there a way to check missing textures in standalone if not is this something that chaos would ever add? Apologies for hijacking✈️ OPs post but having a way to check missing textures may have helped in this situation.


                          • #14
                            Hello wolfgang_himmelfarb,

                            Currently, you get a warning message inside V-Ray Standalone if there is a missing texture. Can you please elaborate some more on your idea? How would you like to check for missing textures? If you have a specific idea in mind you can submit it on our Ideas Portal (V-Ray for 3ds Max section as this is where it should start from).
                            Aleksandar Kasabov


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by aleksandar.kasabov View Post
                              Hello wolfgang_himmelfarb,

                              Currently, you get a warning message inside V-Ray Standalone if there is a missing texture. Can you please elaborate some more on your idea? How would you like to check for missing textures? If you have a specific idea in mind you can submit it on our Ideas Portal (V-Ray for 3ds Max section as this is where it should start from).
                              Thank you for your reply, very much appreciated, always. I'm thinking it would be a standard log in command prompt that lists all your assets and whether they are mapped to a location/missing. Im now sure however if vray can look at that info in the vrscene file easily then output a list in command prompt - independent of initializing the final render. I think currently its after you initialize the render that it will check and log missing assets. Out of habit I always check the project asset inspector before render. Typically I have to coordinate assets when I move between remote workstations, freelance jobs and when projects or assets get archived or moved without me knowing. Let me know if that makes sense and if you think it's worth adding to the ideas portal - I was also unsure where to place it, so max it is. Thanks a million.

