It appears the Vray dirt shader is broken in Vray v6.00.01 using the GPU. Not only that but when "invert normal" is checked the scene will take 10x or more longer to render without any actual dirt results. I've attached 2 screenshots of CPU vs GPU, thanks!
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Dirt Shader broken in Vray 6 - GPU
Hello scott_canuel,
This topic was recently discussed in this forum thread.
Currently, there is a difference between GPU and CPU when the list of "affected by" is empty and the mode is "Include". If you want to render a dirt map with the GPU, you will need to change the type of include/exclude list as shown here. We already have a report for this (ID: VC4D-1619), logged in our system and we will let you know if we have more information. Thanks.Aleksandar Kasabov