I have a cloth sim setup. The cloth has a specific texture, which I have uv mapped on with a 2Sided Material. The base material is a Standard Material. WIthout motion blur enabled the bump works as expected. But when I turn on the motion blur, it streches the texture in a weird way. My bump map is inside a VRAYBitmap to make it smaller by using the Mapping/Crop. I use VRAY GPU with CUDA.
Someone has experienced a simular issue and knows a fix? I know that VRAY GPU handles Bump in a weird way sometimes.
I have a cloth sim setup. The cloth has a specific texture, which I have uv mapped on with a 2Sided Material. The base material is a Standard Material. WIthout motion blur enabled the bump works as expected. But when I turn on the motion blur, it streches the texture in a weird way. My bump map is inside a VRAYBitmap to make it smaller by using the Mapping/Crop. I use VRAY GPU with CUDA.
Someone has experienced a simular issue and knows a fix? I know that VRAY GPU handles Bump in a weird way sometimes.