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Environment Fog at the Horizon Line / Background

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  • Environment Fog at the Horizon Line / Background

    We have environment fog in our scene. It works wonderfully, but it is very visible on the horizon. I have already tried it with fade out and ray filter, but I cannot eliminate the fog on the horizon/background. Am I doing something wrong or am I missing something?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	environment fog.jpg
Views:	274
Size:	29.3 KB
ID:	1188218
    Here is a test Scenefile with the Problem:
  • Answer selected by viktor_angelov at 10-08-2023, 01:00 AM.

    Hi Doger,

    The issue you faced with the visible fog on the horizon was likely due to the significantly increased "Step Size" in the Raymarching Tab. This parameter controls how finely the fog is sampled, affecting accuracy.
    By increasing the "Step Size," you took larger steps through the fog volume, potentially missing finer details, especially at a distance. This led to the pronounced appearance on the horizon.
    Setting the "Step Size" closer to default helped because smaller steps capture more detail.
    Additionally, consider using a Falloff map in the fog's transparency slot. This can help smoothly fade out the fog towards the horizon, enhancing realism.


    • #2
      Hi Doger,

      The issue you faced with the visible fog on the horizon was likely due to the significantly increased "Step Size" in the Raymarching Tab. This parameter controls how finely the fog is sampled, affecting accuracy.
      By increasing the "Step Size," you took larger steps through the fog volume, potentially missing finer details, especially at a distance. This led to the pronounced appearance on the horizon.
      Setting the "Step Size" closer to default helped because smaller steps capture more detail.
      Additionally, consider using a Falloff map in the fog's transparency slot. This can help smoothly fade out the fog towards the horizon, enhancing realism.


      • #3
        Thank you for the quick reply!

        I had used the documentation as a guide.
        Click image for larger version

Name:	Step Size.jpg
Views:	162
Size:	30.7 KB
ID:	1188279
        Because the Fog Distance is so large, I had also increased the Step Size by half. Of course, this also helped with the rendering speed. What would be the correct way to create such a fog?​
        Attached Files


        • #4
          You're absolutely right, the documentation provides a solid guideline for using the "Step Size" parameter. Increasing the "Step Size" can indeed improve rendering speed, and adjusting it based on the "Fog Distance" is a valid approach. However, in cases like yours where the "Fog Distance" is quite large, it's important to find a balance that maintains both accuracy and performance.


          • #5
            Thanks for the good explanations! The tip with the falloff in the transparency has helped me in any case!


            • #6
              Glad to hear that! Happy rendering!

